
member since 2022

Recent Reviews1 total


I have helped with home-growing this strain, and have smoked and made my own edibles from it. The edible version has become my daily morning get-up-and-go to help with focus, motivation and creativity. I do have to be careful how much I am taking when I have it first thing, depending on how much coffee I have had and how much of my ketone drinks (which also give me energy). It does make me quite talkative, as well, and I am already a very talkative person. I have really enjoyed the long-lasting effects with focus on my at-home work, research, artwork, chores/projects around the house. This is a 90% sativa, so I suggest starting small, especially with the edibles and getting a feel for what works for you, to allow for non-jittery motivation and focus. You can always take more. ;) I will sometimes have extra tokes during the afternoon when I feel the edible wearing off, but I do not smoke while I wait for the edible to kick in, because it does not take long (15-20 minutes).