
member since 2019

Recent Reviews4 total

Super Skunk

Super Skunk is a creeper bud, that's for sure. Once it settles into your body... prepare to turn into Jello lol. Go easy on the first rip or two, seriously. You'll get locked to your couch for hours, left wondering just what the hell happened. It took my back pain away largely, still some pain but not much. My neck pain is also dulled. I think this is a great strain for anxiety IF you go easy. You can find yourself thinking too much about your breathing with strong Indicas lol. I know from experience, and then you can have a bad time. So my suggestion is to go slow at first, and use it for when you're ready to relax for the day/night. Preferably night...

White Widow

ZING!!! This stuff is day time smoke! Usually i'm prone to panic and anxiety, and to be real with you... this strain CAN give me a bad time if i'm not careful. She's a strong little flower, and frosty, i mean FROSTY! Stickiest nugs iv'e ever personally handled. Just holding a nug up to the light and you can see the oily goodness, set inside of the trichomes just glistening away in the light. There is a reason they call this stuff white widow. Initial high goes right to the head, and pretty fast. Mine was mid harvest, i can tell by the cloudy trichomes. The high is soaring and long lasting, very talkative (i'm driving my wife nuts lol) It makes me feel very creative and ready to produce content, write or workout. The aroma is incredible, extremely strong. I open it up and across the house i'm hearing complaints XD Very citrusy and sour on the nose with an earthy overtone. Some of my favorite daytime smoke.


WOW, Mango is right, this strain is very on the nose. As soon as i got a whiff i knew it lived up to its namesake. I'm a huge fan of aromatic and tasty strains so i always wanted to try Mango. I'm not disappointed! Aside from the slight euphoria from the smell alone, the stone is great! Very mellow strain, great for relaxing and taking the edge off of your day. Also seemed to help my GERD symptoms immediately. Naturally helps with pain so it's also a plus for arthritis and inflammation. As someone who suffers with anxiety and panic disorder, i'm prone to have a bad experience with the wrong strain. I have to be careful or things get uncomfortable fast. I don't feel the need to temper myself with this strain at all, i can let er rip all night! It's a first world problem, when you can't get as medicated as you would like without adverse effects, but it's still a problem for anxiety sufferers. If you fall into that category, first, i'm sorry, you're not alone trust me! Second, welcome to your new favorite medicine! Or at least your top 3.

Purple Kush

I'm reviewing this from the perspective of someone with anxiety and panic disorder and asthma which can augment my anxiety several fold! I'm incredibly sensitive to panic when i get a racy strain, so for me finding that balance is everything. I've had to quit smoking in the past because of this and it SUCKS, especially when you know certain strains do the opposite. They ease anxiety so very well! Not having access to medicinal strains in the past, has been hard on me. I'm so happy the laws have changed! I also suffer with arthritis and Costochondritis. It's also worth mentioning that i took a long tolerance break before getting my hands on this strain, an unintended one which can cause some serious anxiety when getting back into the swing of things. The first puff, 4-5 minutes later i felt the worry that i might have a bad high drifting away from me like a summer breeze! Taking another puff, the effects start to go to the head, a really pleasant stoney feeling. Third rip and my entire body is relaxed, my mind is worry free and the pain in my chest and spine has all but vanished! Take my word for it, if you have anxiety or panic disorder and you worry about strain sensitivity as i do. This stuff has you covered! Nothing sucks more than smoking something and feeling the panic set in! With this, no worries at all! The flavor profile is okay... not my favorite i'll be honest. It's very earthy, with hints of fruit and that woody cedar after taste. It's not a harsh smoke despite what iv'e heard, idk if this was just really well flushed, the ashes are nice and white so i'm sure it was. Smell is pleasant, very mild with an earthy grape scent to it. The flowers themselves look INCREDIBLE in the bag. Iv'e never had a purple variety before so i was quite taken a back by how dark they are. Nice and frosty, dense yet airy at the same time. Easily 5/5 for me and i'm glad it was my first review here. ^_^ Now if you'll excuse me, my Khajiit is calling. This one has some fishing to do!