
member since 2014

Recent Reviews3 total

Green Crack

Bear with me here: this is one of the weirdest experiences I've had while high and it happened on green crack. I went over to my buddy's house to smoke a couple bowls of GC out of his new bong. Pretty classic: about a foot tall, normal sized downstem, no percs, but it did have ice catchers. We went onto his deck and smoked 3 decent sized bowls. It's probably worth mentioning both of us were breaking a dry spell of about 2.5 months... I was downstairs in his basement washing the bong out and I was chill. I was high as balls, but I was chill. My buddy comes flying down the stairs completely tweaked screaming that he's not ok. This freaked me out, but I was able to calm him down and get him upstairs to his living room. We ordered chinese food (by some miracle I didn't make an ass of myself ordering it) and we sat down to eat. I told him that if he ate he would feel better, and I remember not being super hungry and kinda picking at my chicken and broccoli while watching him devour his order of sesame chicken, pork dumplings, and for some reason, milk. We were on the couch in his living room watching Aziz Ansari (who is funny as shit when you're stoned) and he's still tweaking. I reached over and tried to calm him down, at which point he stands up and proceeds to vomit up the insane amount of chinese food and milk he just consumed all over the persian rug. He throws up for a little while and I finally manage to comprehend the situation and get him into the bathroom. He finishes puking while I figure out the best course of action to get this shit off the rug before his parents find out and kill him. It took me 2 different vacuum cleaners, a full roll of paper towels, a half bottle of seltzer, and about an hour and a half to clean up the vomit. I was stoned shitless the whole time, so 1.5 hours is kind of impressive. Eventually, the only evidence was a faint stain. My friend was completely shot, so like all good friends would do I brought him up to his room, got him to brush his teeth, change his clothes, and into bed. Then I went downstairs, smoked the rest of his weed, finished the Aziz standup, and raided his fridge. Trust me, it's what he would have wanted. Green crack is a great strain, but you gotta know what you're getting into. THIS IS FOR SEASONED SMOKERS ONLY. We've since smoked it again together and it ended up fine, so just make sure you know what you're getting into and pace yourself when you're eating (this goes for all strains). Hope you enjoyed!

Cherry Pie

I. LOVE. THIS. STRAIN. This is the best strain I've ever smoked (pineapple express is a close second but this takes a slight edge). It's sweet, dank, and tastes amazing when you smoke it. It's the perfect strain for anything, I've smoked it alone, with friends, at concerts, at parties, you name it. I havent been able to find it near me recently though...a real shame. But I'm getting by... This is the perfect strain for anyone. Even if you're new to smoking or a seasoned veteran you'll still enjoy the high it brings on.

Bubba Kush

I've always been a fan of sweet indicas (cherry pie is my favorite strain of all time) but the earthiness of this one makes it special. I felt chilled out yet energetic and happy. The biggest thing I noticed was how dank it was. I left a couple grams in 2 ziploc bags wrapped in the clothes in my gym bag in my car, and when I came out an hour later my whole car reeked. It's an incredible strain and I highly recommend it to anyone who wants to relax with friends.