Big fan of this Indica dominant hybrid. I think this is definitely for those who like the body high of indicas without too much sleepyness. Smell is funky if you're into that
GARLIC MUSHROOM AND ONIONS BABYYYYY. This strain is a indica dominant hybrid lover's dream. My favorite thing about hybrids is getting the best of both worlds. When I can get a good couchy feeling without being wiped out or sleepy I am very content. That's what I get out of GMO cookies. Highly recommend to people who are looking for a nice chill hybrid though I will say this strain seems to be a high tester normally (around 30 percent from my past experience) so I always recommend new-comers exercise caution.
One of my all time favorite Indica's. I suffer from debilitating anxiety and depression at times and strains like Pre-98 have been instrumental in helping me find my calm. Highly recommend to those looking for less stimulation.
Classic Indica vibes for sure. I love this strain for its pungent, sweet nose and ability to chill one out incredibly quickly. Here in Oregon it seems like its getting crossed with everything and that is just fine with me lol