
member since 2015

Recent Reviews1 total

Green Crack

Okay, so I'm sitting at home depressed and shit. Fuck math, fuck college, I already had a glass of red wine. Soo I go to the fridge to finish off the bottle but the wine was gone. So I'm like oh fuck, how am I going to survive. So I talk to my brother who happened to drink the last of my wine. He offered me a trade off. He put the weed on the counter and said I know you want some of this green crack and I was like what? No nigga, I want weed. I don't want crack, don't play! Sooooo anyways, we go outside to hit the shit and I'm like ok this is chil. It's alright... But then that shit hit me. Mind you, this was only ONE joint. I went from feeling like shit to snap chatting about people talking with their bottom teeth. This shit is from the gods oh and I wasn't even hungry afterwards! I was fucking HAPPY. Like all I wanted to do was chill and talk and talk and laugh and I love this strand so much. I love it so much that I'm going to buy half an ounce and make some pastries and shit for later. Bravo dear brother, bravo.