
member since 2017

Recent Reviews1 total


An outstanding strain. Based off of my own personal preferences this sativa-dominant hybrid rivals and comes out on top over others like Blue Dream and Amsterdam Haze (which I rank top 10). LSD provides a very cognitive response allowing me to relax yet enjoy my evening having dinner and catching up at home. At any point during my buzz I'm able to lay down and fall right too sleep without fail. So for me this strain is an all-in-one success. Reasonably priced and well cropped. Royal Tree out of Tacoma, WA does a great job keeping their batches consistent and not letting any poor quality make it onto store shelf's. Roll it up, pack a bowl, or enjoy it however you see fit. I typically prefer using SKUNK brand Hemp cones and packing a halfway filled joint (full for me and someone else). But first time smokers, or newbies with a lower tolerance can sufficiently achieve this state with a few hits out of a bowl. Sit back, relax, and laugh your thoughts out!