
member since 2016

Recent Reviews17 total

White Widow

Could've been the grower but I didn't care for this one at all. Didn't give much of a mental buzz (not happy or uplifting) just kind of a "blah high." Didn't get much pain relief from this either.

Pineapple Express

I've tried this both in flower form (didn't care for it) and as a cartridge from kurvana and while vaping this strain tasted great and was a better high than the flower, I can't put this one at the top. Happy high but really not worth coming back to when there are so many better options.


I've tried this in a kurvana cartridge and it's pretty much the perfect hybrid. Not speedy but not too spacey or sleep inducing either. Clear headed and happy high. My go-to day time cartridge & favorite overall (along with True OG) of the kurvana flavors.

Jack Herer

Kurvana cartridge jack herer: great for getting things done in solidarity. I find myself having a slight attitude when i smoke this cartridge, a shorter fuse if you will. So that part is negative but on the plus side this stuff will make you VERY focused. Kind of puts me to sleep if I smoke too much though (strange- this sativa has almost 70% THC but 1.2% CBN which could be why it can make you sleepy and hungry).

Blue Dream

This rating is for the kurvana cartridge. I've tried most of the flavors and my biggest regret (regarding my marijuana purchases of 2016) is getting a gram of this and only a half gram of true og. True is kurvana's BEST cartridge but if you're looking for something more energetic I suggest grapefruit or jack herer. This cartridge tastes like burnt chemicals and the high is nice, but nothing too special.

True OG

I tried this in a kurvana cartridge and OMG. It's perfect for fighting pain and nausea and puts you right to sleep. Very relaxing. Best cartridge!!

Sensi Star

wow my grower outdid himself on this one. I smoked a little when I was having a 3 out of 5 migraine (3 being a very bad pounding headache overall uncomfortable and slightly nauseous and 5 being throwing up and laying down on my bed in the dark until it goes away) - and while it didn't leave me symptom free, my headache became so faint I forgot about it. I slept through the night without waking up once, and the next morning felt energized! most exciting was the body buzz I got from this like it was first time smoking. very powerful even for the seasoned smoker.

Rug Burn OG

perfect indica dominant hybrid with sativa effects. funny and relaxed but still alert. my batch tastes like fruity bubblegum🦄


my favorite hybrid!! i much prefer this to girl scout cookies. i just feel so "good" on headband. fyi- it's very easy to smoke too much. mins tested out at 28% thc and smoking a small bowls worth was way more than i needed and i had to go to sleep early because i spinning. even so this strain is amazing but a little goes a long way:)


tastiest strain ever. j love this one! my go-to feel good strain along with Dutch treat.