
member since 2015

Recent Reviews15 total


Got got this from my favorite place, Clear Choice in Tacoma WA. Artizen is a real solid brand, never disappointing, always dank. I'm always more interested in the quality of the high over what it tastes like, but wow, this is really good tasting stuff, tastes like you're smoking a cherry pie. And the ground up herb smells like a basket full of freshly picked berries. Very nice uplifting high, not overwhelming, I could smoke this late in the evening and still go to sleep, but then all weed makes me sleepy. This would be a great strain to induce someone to the world of cannabis.


Picked up an eight of NWCS legends brand. listed as 30% thc. A little harsh, even vaping, it made me cough more than usual. Very nice happy high, relaxing too, nice tingling sensations in my toes. LA confidential is one of very favorites, and shows up in this strain, just like LA CON, Snowland is a great strain for musical enjoyment.I'm a very long time fan of reggae, and this is one of those strain that really brings another dimension to the sound. I bought this from Clear Choice Cannabis in Tacoma WA for I think $18.00 just amazing what you can get for your weed dollar now days. Love it!

SinMint Cookies

I picked up an eighth from Clear Choice Cannabis Tacoma WA. The brand was Tahoma Flavors, and honestly I have never been super impressed from the other strains that I've tried from this brand, but I gave this one a try, and it's a winner. Super body high. I'm an aging runner trying to get my miles up to run a marathon this year, and well. my post run recovery isn't what it used to be, but vaping this in the evening after a hard run, was really fantastic, one of the best pain reducing, awesome body highs of experienced. Besides the body high, also a good bit of feel good about the world head high. The aftertaste was a little off-putting at first, but easy to get used to. This is one I'll definitely go for.

Banana OG

This one was good, really good. I picked up an eight of Green Vault brand at Clear Choice cannabis in Tacoma WA. Odd smelling to me, this has to be one of least skunky smelling weeds I've ever smelled, and the taste is different too, very grassy and earthy, not the greatest tasting weed. But who cares?That's not why we are here, and it really delivers on the high, starts with an immediate very pleasurable head high, then later that disintegrates into a state of super relaxation, almost that feeling of having eaten too many edibles. Great strain, but this is the kind of strain for when your wanting to get supremely baked. Super dry mouth, all my favorites give me dry mouth, and this one certainly makes my short list of favorites.

Critical Plus

For me, this was a good find. I picked up a 4 gram bag of this at Clear Choice Cannabis in Tacoma WA, it was just $25 so I wasn't expecting anything special. Really, much better than I had anticipated, feels like a really balanced hybrid, just a really pleasant high. I'm a runner, I had a long run on the first hot day this year, I was feeling pretty beat an hour ago, but feel great now.What more do you want?

LA Confidential

Just a very pleasurable strain! I bought an eight of Artizen brand T 20% THC. I usually vape and normally look for higher percentage than 20%, not to worry, it's plenty potent. Heightened senses, food tastes amazing, easily the best strain for enhanced music listening that I've tried. In fact, you might want to listen to music, because without music you might start hearing things! Really this is some good stuff. Very relaxing, but not super sleepy, all the best parts of getting stoned.

The White

More like The White Out! I got this from Clear Choice in Tacoma WA, the brand was Suspended coming in at 30% THC. This was really potent stuff. For those times you just want to forget about everything? That is for this. The party won't last long, bigly on the sleepy.

Clear Choice Cannabis - Tacoma

The place used to go did away with their customer loyalty program, so I felt it was time to check out some other stores. I had avoided Clear Choice is the past due to the fact that they advertise heavily, and obviously put a lot of money into that store, nice place! So I assumed their prices would be higher, I was wrong - very good prices, maybe not rock bottom. I really like the online ordering system, I do my own research so I know what I want before I go in, just want to get in and out - easy at Clear Choice. Every shop has it's own kind of vibe, I would say, just about anyone would feel comfortable there. Only negative, is the parking lot, sometimes I feel like some old pervy creeper, parking in the Hustler Hollwood lot Also, the Hosmer area of Tacoma isn't the greatest, and that's saying something around here. Very important, going by the harvest dates on the package, the weed seems much fresher than some other places. Oh, and if manager reads this; please carry Orange Kush, it's my all time favorite, and I'm sure your customers would love it too.


This might be my favorite sativa to date, yes I know it listed as a hybrid - whatever it's category, the effects are very sativa forward, very positive, just great feeling. A minimum amount of couch lock. Music is incredible, would be a phenomenal strain before a concert. Taste is a little hard to nail down, I get both pine and citrus notes, I like the taste. For sure a five star strain! The strain I sampled was Quality Cannabis brand 23% thc, purchased at Clear Choice Cannabis in Tacoma WA

Orange Kush

Picked up an eighth of Artizen brand Orange Kush THC 23.% in Tacoma WA. Very nice looking tight nugs, opening the package revealed a very strong skunky order. For some reason, I wasn't expecting too much from this strain, but was I wrong. For me this was one hard hitting indica, heavy head, felt warm all over, supreme couch lock, & I felt like my feet had drifted away somewhere. This strain feels like a welcome, warm hug. All weed makes me sleepy, even the ones that are not supposed to, so I was a little worried about how I was going to feel when I got up early AM, but shouldn't have worried, I felt well rested and clear headed. I normally prefer sativa dominate hybrids, but Orange Kush will forever be on my go-to list.