
member since 2020

Recent Reviews2 total

Critical Jack

This strain is fantastic for my social anxiety. Everytime I would have a cone of this stuff I just wanted to be an absolute extrovert with whoever I talked to at the time. CJ is just one of those strains that is great if you dont want to take mediation for anxiety. But I do warn this particular strain can be a bit too good that you can form an unhealthy dependency on it. CJ is also a great strain for those who struggle with a lack of sex drive and need a bit of help to calm their minds to feel aroused. I also found that it's great to have while gaming too. A definite 5 stars

Blue Cheese

This strain is pretty decent for those suffering from not just from depression and anxiety but psychotic mental illnesses as well. I have BPD, ASD along with a few other things and found smoking a bit in my cone absolutely calmed my mind right down during an episode making me become completely stable. Usually I do not like indica's at all during the day as they tend to make me feel tired but Blue Cheese never made me feel that way at all. In fact I felt inclined to do stuff rather than sleep. The only down side to it is it did make me feel a tad paranoid but it wasn't a major at the same time. I also felt highly aroused which will be nice for me and the boyfriend to experience. Blue Cheese also doesn't make me get the dries nor the munchies which I enjoy.