
member since 2016

Recent Reviews10 total


I'd heard good things about this strain, so I decided to try it. Have a 200mg Dreamsteam cartridge. After a couple hits, I get really dizzy. Not that fun, happy dizzy either- like wow, I need to sit down because the room is spinning dizzy. After that. I'm usually starving. Those are really the only two effects I've ever felt every time I smoke this strain: dizzy and starving. Probably won't get again.

Fucking Incredible

I’m on the fence with this strain. Usually after one puff, I’m super relaxed, sleepy, and ready to pass out. It seems to suddenly hit me after a few minutes. However, if I smoke just a liiiiiittle bit too much, I get crazy anxiety, panic, and feel like I’m going to die. This strain is very potent and I’d recommend starting off with small hits if you’re someone who’s prone to anxiety like I am, and give it a few minutes before deciding if you want to smoke more.


This is probably my favorite strain, ever. Sometimes when I smoke sativas (even indicas) I get really bad anxiety and panic attacks. I usually stray away from sativas for that reason, but I decided to try GSC since it was a hybrid, but still was sativa dominant. I'm so glad I did. This strain makes me feel really relaxed while at the same time not promoting couchlock. I feel like I can be totally at ease but also am able to get things done around the house or go places. It usually always puts me in a really good mood, and I'm not even able to dwell on any negative thoughts about anything (usually I do that all the time sober); those thoughts just leave my mind as fast as they entered it. The only complain I have so far is if I smoke it while I am already feeling down or depressed, it does seem to amplify those feelings. For someone with depression, I'd say if probably works better to smoke it before you wind up in a dark place, if you feel like you're heading that way. It'll definitely get you out of it, but it'll lock you in if you're already there when you smoke. Otherwise, this is now my go-to strain for pretty much everything.


Not a fan of this strain. Almost immediately after smoking, I was overcome with pretty intense anxiety and a panic attack which lasted a while. Once that subsided, I mostly just felt brain dead and lazy. Also made me really horny, for whatever reason. Probably won't get this again once I run out, I wouldn't recommend it for anyone with anxiety.


This is the best strain I've ever smoked for a sleep aid. I honestly could compare it to a tranquilizer. A few hits and a few minutes later, I feel super relaxed and sleepy. Once my head hits the pillow, I'm out all night and always wake up feeling refreshed. Definitely recommended for anyone with insomnia.

Sour Amnesia

This strand was amazing. I'm prone to anxiety and panic attacks when I smoke, so I usually stick to indicas. I wanted to try a sativa again since I hadn't in a while and decided to go with this. Within 5 minutes after smoking it, I immediately could feel the stress and tension drain from my body. I noticed it when I felt my shoulders feeling really loose and at ease (they are usually pretty tense). I also got pretty giggly and happy which was nice. The best part is that it didn't give me any anxiety at all, not even any paranoid thoughts. I'd definitely recommend this to anyone who tends to get paranoid or anxious when they smoke if you're looking for a sativa instead of an indica.

Nature's Medicines - Happy Valley (Med/Rec)

This was the first dispensary I've ever been to (just got my card for the first time) and it was an awesome experience. The staff was super friendly and helpful and gave me a lot of great recommendations. Plus their new patient special is amazing! I definitely plan to come in again sometime, the only downside is it's kinda far

Swell Farmacy - McDowell (TEMPORARILY CLOSED)

This is the 2nd dispensary I went to after receiving my card for the first time, and I was really impressed! All of the staff were super friendly and helpful and so easygoing! The specials they have are awesome and they have a lot of different options to choose from. I'll definitely be back!

Purple Urkle

Eh, not really a fan. I'm prone to anxiety when I smoke and sometimes I get that heart-racing, chest-tingling anxiety feeling when I smoke this. It doesn't really make me feel all that relaxed, just apathetic to everything. I've noticed that more often than not it tends to give me pretty bad headaches too, that don't go away with meds and only sleep seems to help. Probably not gonna get this again.

Pineapple Skunk

This strain has been one of my favorites so far. Unfortunately I get panic attacks/anxiety frequently when smoking, even with indicas, so I had been searching for a while for something that would keep me calm but also give me an enjoyable high. I think I finally found that with this strain. I've been smoking it almost every day for two weeks now and haven't experienced any anxiety or panic attacks at all, when before I'd have an attack every time I'd smoke. Makes me feel relaxed, lazy, and happy. Definitely recommend for people who have issues with smoking and anxiety. Haven't noticed any bad effects yet, it doesn't give me dry mouth or dry eyes at all either. Just an insane case of the munchies.