
member since 2017

Recent Reviews1 total

Green Crack

GREEN CRACK SAVED MY LIFE! I don't want to get too serious with this review but I wanted to share a synopsis of what the title of this review refers to. 2 years ago I was an Advanced Care Paramedic (13 years in) but I now struggle day to day with PTSD and have to retire from my career. I had been off work for 3 months when a colleague introduced me to GC. The previous 3 days had me glued to the couch from crippling anxiety and depression which was something extremely new to me still. To cope, I drank heavily and disengaged myself from the world. I feel strongly that I was slowly dying from this affliction as I had seen it happen before to my patients. If I were to continue on the path I was traveling on, it would have surely be my demise. Thankfully one day my friend showed up with some GC and a caring heart. We smoked in the garage, enjoyed the sunshine and as he left I suddenly had a surge of energy. I washed my car and by the end of that afternoon I had washed all my house windows (interior and exterior), made myself and my g/f a wonderful meal before making love for a few hours. I did smoke the rest of the joint half way through all of this. What that experience taught me is to respect and cherish this plant for its medicinal properties. As a paramedic who has provided thousands of people with symptom relief in their time of need, I recognized the diverse application of this medicine. Since that day I have been using GC and other strains to achieve ever increasing harmony with my body, mind, and spirit. I'm truly thankful to have this medicine at my disposal and encourage anyone who is curios to investigate marijuana for any and all medical ailments. Take the time to educate yourself and go for it! Stick with it and learn how to use it properly. Get a buddy to learn with. and from. Most of all,.... Don't be afraid of it as it's one of the best gifts you can ever give yourself. Good luck!