
member since 2019

Recent Reviews6 total

Pineapple Express

Ok so I'm not going to lie I use to say I loved this strain because of the movie and that was it, not until I started smoking real pineapple express did I really see how good it was. I first tried pineapple express through a cart actually, it was a TKO ting and yang special one that was very hard to find. Around me, it is hard to find real pineapple express but this one was for sure. This was the hardest hitting cart I had ever had at the time and was the only cart and or weed that could get me blacked out. I would almost instantly get high as fuck and just forget about anything i was doing. The second time I had it it was a dank vape, and I know that this was not a real pineapple express but just a cloan of it. it still hit very hard so that just goes to show how good even fake pineapple express is. Smoking pineapple express bud was insane I smoked about 3g of it and was so high that I forgot what I was doing and walked for 2 miles to go home only to remember that I left all my weed and lighters and bongs over at my smoking place. You need to be careful smoking this though because a lot of people smoke it going in thinking about the movie and the high that it showed to be in the movie Pineapple Express is not even close to the high you get. It does not give you super energy or give you some powers, and you will deffently not be able to go on some big ass mission. I was left laying looking dead in my room I was so high from it so be careful when you smoke this make sure you are in a place with food and a place that you can just pass out in.


This was by far the best strain I've smoked. this had me tripping balls and not even knowing where I was or what I was doing. I lost the sense of time and tbh everything else. I hit a couple of big rips from a bong after smoking a few bowls earlier. I would say this shit had me knocked off my feet. I went home and went to bed right away and had the best night sleep ever.

Lemon Haze

This strain was not the best tbh. It might have to do with it being dry but even tho it's dry it shouldn't be this bad. I've smoked a lot of dry weed and got very high off of it. To start it off I don't like. Sativa much I like the indica and the relaxing feeling. When smoking this 1 it takes a lot to get me High.like j said it. Might be cuz it was dry but like yeah. You got. Pretty high for like maybe a half hour max then just went down and that was it. I feel as if this was not dry it would. Be a lot better. There was little to no head high the most you got. Out of it was a little pressure around the eyes but that's it. There was a little. Body high at the start but quickly faded. This strain to me literally makes me cry about how bad it is. I smoked through all 3g I had yester and I still was sober with m the hour. It made no sense and made me pretty upset because I was told. It would be good. For thoes who. Like a short high get this strain and let it dry out before you use it cuz it will. Be perfect for. Beginning but for thoes who smoke all the time try and make sure it's not dry because I feel like this strain can do many other things.


I got headband not knowing much about it. I read stuff online like I do with all the new strains I get and it looked pretty good. I was so right. I love smoking outside in the woods with a little sun light cuz it just sets the mood for everything. I smoked about probably 2 bowls and didn't feel anything. I was so pissed cuz I thought he sold me some mids. I kept smoking (big big Big mistake) after about 20 min of just smoking it hit me, but not hard but slowly. I was so stoned off this stuff that I literally felt like I was asleep. I didn't move for at least 30 min I just sat there holding my bong thinking about life. After a while I came back too and was still very very high. I got on my bike and started to ride home. This is the part when I felt the headband part working. It felt like somebody put a 100 rubber bands around my head and then was just squeezing the shit out of my head but not in a bad way. It felt kinda good. I got home and went to my room and ate so much food. Like way way to much food and sat and just watching TV. I didn't move for 2 hours. When I was coming down from my high it sucked and that's when I told my self I can't smoke that much of this strain again because I got the worst headache I have ever gotten. I still had a head high so it helped a little but if I was sober it would have killed me. I couldn't sleep well because I had to take so. Many shits cuz of how much I ate, and tbh that's OK with me cuz the high was amazing. This strain will give u the perfect body high, and the perfect head high. Just enough to let u remember big details of what happened but leave you completely blank on everything else. Having a conversation after smoking a lot of this is not a good idea because I literally could not focus on anything besides the high. Over all I love this strain, the only thing I wish was better was coming off the high but that was more my fault for being stupid and smoking 2g in one sitting

Blue Dream

I swear I was very upset when I got this because I'm not in to hybrids or anything like that and the reviews I read said it gave u a lot of energy but to me it wasn't like that at all. I smoked this and went for a bike ride cuz why not, I was so messed up I'm pretty sure I crash at least 6 or 7 times. It put me in to such a deep high I literally only remembered smoking it then waking up at home in my chair watching family guy. I love this strain the most because it got me so high, and at time gave me energy but also made me relaxed and super happy. It didn't give me the munchies that much so that was good because my past with afgan kush and sumer lemon haze have left me with eating at least 10 pounds of food. This put me in the head space of nothing mattered and that it was just me left on this earth. When I was watching family guy everything was distorted which I loved. Over all I would say this my favorite weed.

Afghan Kush

This strain started off by me getting it by accident, I didn't want the strain because the things I read online said that is was strong but would put u to sleep fast and make u not want to move and that's not want I wants. I wanted something that would but after a while. When I tried this it did almost the exact opposite. I love weed and have smoked many different kids and to me this is one of the best besides blue dream. If your looking for a strain for eating this is the one. When I ate this I swear it felt like I had not ate in weeks. And when I ate I would get super full then in like 20 min I would be super hungry again. It puts you in a perfect body high to sit and relax but get up and do something if you want to. The head high makes you feel amazing and almost everything feels like a dream. The only problem I had with it was I ended up eating way way to much, and after I came down from the high I literally can not remember anything from the time that I was high so if you looking for a strain that will leave you with 10 extra pounds and a missing day then this is it! If you smoke by your self with this it will give you a relxlaxed high, but I found that when I smoked with others it gave me a happy energy that made my time with them amazing... I think as I said I can't remember much lol the one also bad thing is it can give you really bad dry mouth, but I don't know for. Me I actually like the dry mouth so it all depends on who you are and what you like.