
member since 2021

Recent Reviews3 total

Black Jack

BLACK JACK 4/19/23 TLDR: great sativa for focus, calm, creativity, music. Had about half a bowl with immediate and decently lasting effect. Review coming from a typical everyday, sometimes all day smoker--but with a recent significant unintentional tolerance break from rationing. I deal with PTSD, depression, ADHD, mild to moderate discomfort from trauma-based fibromyalgia (pain can spike but not currently.) I tried this when it was on sale at Strawberry Fields Columbus, and will certainly get it again assuming it doesn't get too expensive. I made a small bowl, with a bit of the catnip-dandelion-grinder keef blend I've been using in place of weed lately. It felt amazing, giving me a calm focus and the immediate desire to play my guitar (which I had been putting off a bit due to lack of energy and creativity). I was able to play surprisingly quite well, with great intonation even though I haven't been playing as much as I should lately. I was completely chill just playing--I came to the acoustic guitar for the purpose of accompanying myself singing, but I was perfectly content just working on my playing. I felt like I was putting the emotion and intentions of the words into my playing, creating different rhythms for different phrases of a song.

Banana OG

BANANA PIE OG4/19/23(Hyrbid with Key Lime Pie, couldn't find a direct review place for that) Review coming from a typical everyday, sometimes all day smoker--but with a recent significant unintentional tolerance break from rationing. (I know it's too long of a read but I thought it could be validating for people): TLDR: Amazing for a heavy head and body high that isn't too overwhelming. Almost feels like being a little drunk but in a good way. I highly recommend this to anyone who enjoys drinking a little bit when they smoke but has bad side effects from alcohol.  I deal with PTSD, depression, ADHD, mild to moderate discomfort from trauma-based fibromyalgia (pain can spike but not currently.) I miss the drunken highs, that didn't end with trauma-brain. I tried this when it was on sale at Strawberry Fields Columbus, and will certainly get it again assuming it doesn't get too expensive. I made a small bowl, with a bit of the catnip-dandelion-grinder keef blend I've been using in place of weed lately.It felt amazing, immediately giving me a light body high and stony-ness feeling without locking me down. I was able to play my guitar surprisingly quite well. I was completely chill just playing--I came to the acoustic guitar for the purpose of accompanying myself singing, but I was perfectly content just working on my playing. I felt like I was putting the emotion and intentions of the words into my playing, creating different rhythms for different phrases of a song. So there was a little bit of music-worthy head high before the stoned completely set in. As I settled in for the evening, I had the pleasant surprise of feeling a bit happy-buzzed like I used to achieve when I sometimes drank while I smoked. I miss the drunken highs, that didn't end with trauma-brain. I think a lot of people can relate to part or all of this situation for me: I used to really enjoy beer, both the complex craft stuff and the decent cheap stuff like Yuengling and Budweiser. l would have some really enjoyable times just chilling with a bowl/cart and a couple beers, getting a pleasant, heavy high that was good for both socializing or chilling with my cats. But it didn't matter if I had 1 beer or 10--if I was triggered, the whole night went to shit, and I would end up in a you-name-it spiral of PTSD/anxiety/depression/pain and discomfort through the night. I have attempted to go back to alcohol a couple times, but have been abstaining for most of the last few years because every time ends up the same, and I accept after a few months the reasons I stepped away from it entirely. So I miss the drunken highs, that didn't end with trauma-brain. With this weed, I was able to drink my non-alcoholic beer as if it was the good stuff. I obviously knew that the weed was doing all the work, but it felt nice and nostalgic to chill with a couple beers after a bowl. I highly recommend this to anyone who enjoys drinking a little bit when they smoke but has bad side effects from alcohol.

Tahiti Lime

TAHITI LIME 4/20/23 TLDR:This was some amazing shit, even in a very small dosage, somehow stimulating peacefulness, energy for an easy workout, relaxed observation of the moment, and creativity. Review coming from a typical everyday, sometimes all day smoker--but with a recent significant unintentional tolerance break from rationing. I deal with PTSD, depression, ADHD, mild to moderate discomfort from trauma-based fibromyalgia (pain can spike but not currently.) And this was somehow an amazing, potent yet not overwhelming strain that touched a little bit on everything. I tried this when it was on sale at Strawberry Fields Columbus, and will certainly get it again assuming it doesn't get too expensive. I made a small bowl, with a bit of the catnip-dandelion-grinder keef blend I've been using in place of weed lately. I immediately felt happier and able to enjoy the beautiful weather with gratitude and an utter calmness, even with the passing traffic on the residential state route I live on. After a bit of just enjoying life for a few minutes, I somehow had the energy and mindset to sit in the grass and do one round of some crunches and pushups, followed by some basic stretches (child, cat, cow) which felt AMAZING. (I've been very up and down in my life with my fitness, and have not worked out regularly in a long time). When I came back inside, and still had only had about half a bowl, the energy I had somehow easily morphed into a comfort in my typical place on my bed/couch, and a mindset of observation and creativity--staring unfocused across the room, my brain turned a decorative rock into a sculpture of a sad puppy, pointing out all the little details that made up the picture. AND THEN had the ability to type this whole thing up! (And a couple more similar length reviews after this, when I haven't done this before!) So happy to have my medicine again.