
member since 2016

Recent Reviews3 total


2 grams of 91 Supreme NYPD bho smoked weeks apart to the same effect. This strain makes you horny baby!

God's Gift

Picked up a gram of this in shatter form at the Karma Cup last weekend and I have to say, it is probably the best tasting shatter I have ever had. Big grape soda flavour and floral notes. Hats off to the producer - Cult Concentrates. Amazing stuff.

Toronto Leaf Dispensary

Favourite spot in the City right now. Flower is the focus here and while selection is more limited than some other places, whatever they have on offer is always excellent. I've gotten ahold of some really interesting and unique strains here - most recently Malawi Gold, Ghost Train Haze and the elusive "El Jefe". The staff are super cool, friendly and knowledgable without any pretension. Just really good people. They are strict about ID (and that's a good thing) so don't forget it. Cant recommend this place enough. 😎