
member since 2014

Recent Reviews10 total

Nectar - Beaverton Hall

hate wal Mar...I mean nectar wish they would have never moved into this neighborhood.

Paradise Found - Portland

I've said something several times to the employees and there's been nothing done about it but the accessible door button on the outside of the building hardly ever works unless you press it in really hard which a lot of disabled people including myself don't have the strength for and when rolling through the doors there's not enough room for chairs to get through and the doors routinely slam shut on my body and my wheelchair when trying to move through them. Please get it fixed and when a disabled person informs your able bodied employees that something isn't actually ADA accessible please also tell them that it's not their place to tell disabled people what's actually accessible.

NW Compassion Medical Center

Just drove fifteen miles to get here because you're the last place in town with medical Squibs in stock and your leafly lied. Your building is NOT wheelchair accessible. Fix your Leafly. Thanks for letting me down. I couldn't get any further than the parking lot.

La Mota Northeast Portland

Came in to pick up some concentrate and flower. Was incorrectly told that the oil was c02 and in actuality it was BHO. I took one hit and threw up for an hour and have had a massive headache for the last four hours. And the Blue Dream quarter I bought was covered in rotten leaves. Half my flower is pink! I'm coming in tomorrow and I'm bringing it all back. I'm so upset and disappointed with you guys. Please inform your employees as to what the actual products are that you carry. I have auto immune diseases that your bad products just made worse. I really hope you have a way to fix this massive screw up.

Rooted Northwest

Nobody came to the door to greet us for a solid three minutes and the store is not ADA accessible. It's a lie to think you can actually get in this store in a wheelchair, you can't.

The Green Planet - Beaverton

I went in the other day and noticed an entire list of problems with this store. First and foremost that's what it is a store. More of a headshop than a dispensary. The first problem came before I got in the front door. Your store is NOT ADA accessible. I use a wheelchair and despite having an accessible parking spot there's not any actual way to get in the store in wheels, from there not being a wheelchair loading and unloading zone to there not being a safe accessible ramp outside and the gigantic lip in the doorway prevents you from going in without tipping over if you don't have assistance. After the pain of getting in the door (yes, it caused me physical pain to even get in the front door because of the way the store and parking lot are designed) I was met by a lovely person taking ID and med cards, this person was the ONLY enjoyable part of this whole experience, at least she was friendly. When they let us in the back we were talked to by nobody for the first almost 5 minutes we were there despite their being 3 budtenders behind the counter, only one of which was working with another customer. I asked to see all of the co2 concentrates that you have and was told you had none. I believe all in all my partner and eventually ended up counting 5 different products in the glass display shelves that we're co2. Then I was entirely misinformed by your staff and was told that BHO is the exact same thing as Co2 (which it most certainly is NOT). I guess my whole point here is that you need to know that your store isn't safe for disabled people, and your staff is far less than knowledgeable. I am a chronically ill disabled person with an enhanced immune system disorder and I take no pharmaceuticals, I depend on cannabis for all of my medical pain relief needs and when I go into a store who's been trusted enough by the state to provide patients like myself with medicine to help us fight these diseases. I should expect to receive what I'm there for and if I can't get that and end up hurting myself before I get in the door of your store and I'm forced to leave with no medicine it doesn't help either of us. It leaves me hurting and still needing Medicine from someone I trust and it leaves you wondering what you could have or could now do differently. Or at least that's what I'm hoping you'll do with my words.

Brothers Cannabis- Richmond

You falsely advertise as being ADA compliant. Dragging a rickety ramp to your stairs is not acceptable. You won't ever be getting my money as long as this is how you operate.

Oregon's Best Buds - Portland

It's one of the most ada friendly accessible stores in Portland. That is where my praises stop. The service was terrible. Staff didn't seem like they wanted to be there. They were short and rude with us, offered no help, no suggestions. I feel like this store lacks in knowledge of product and customer service. NONE of their buds were trimmed. I can't honestly believe that a dispensary would allow meds like that to be brought into the store, let alone purchase them. Everything was brown, dark, and almost burnt looking. It was all dried out and none of it was being held in any container that would keep it fresh. Straight up pulled the buds out of a plastic rubbermaid container. This was my first visit and my last and I won't be recommending to anyone. If you want some constructive criticism I'd fire all the staff, or train the existing ones on how to be friendly, make sure they actually want to be there, make sure they're actually knowledgeable on the strains, and teach them about customer service. If you guys just want to sell ditch weed next to the bus stop that's fine, just keep doing what you're doing. If you want to be a dispensary that sells medicine that helps people in truly beneficial ways you might want to change up your business practices. I hope you'll take these as legitimate concerns and criticism instead of the way you've obviously taken some of the earlier comments which was to respond in a rude and defensive manor.

MediGreen Collectives

I posted this review right after I came in the first time around 2 months ago. And I've been in a few times since then. I can't seem to find my review on the page and I wanted to let you know how great I think you all are. So here goes again. This was my first trip into a recreational store and I have a lot of anxiety so I was prepared for it to be a daunting experience. Much to my relief I was made to feel comfortable as soon as I walked in the door. Two different people stopped in the middle of their conversation to welcome me just inside the door. The woman working at the front desk was very nice and professional and was ready to take care of me as soon as I walked in. The budtenders were no different. Friendly, knowledgeable on their strains, and very politely inquisitive about what I use the medicine for such as my ailments (fibromyalgia, severe arthritis, vertigo, sciatica and severe migraines). They gave me multiple suggestions on what flower would be best for me, let me smell the medicine and look at it first, weighed it in front of me and made sure I was happy when I left. All in all it was a much better experience than I was prepared for. I left with a smile on my face because for the first time I felt like I could go into a "pharmacy" get the medicine THAT I WANTED, go home, medicate and feel good and better and productive. I had a really great day yesterday and it's all thanks to the kind folks at Blue Sky. Thanks so much and I'll definitely be back in.

Pineapple Kush

It's a creeper. Never gets too intense and keeps the user pretty relaxed. Awesome for lower back pain and Fibromyalgia. Definitely a better pain management tool than a cerebral high enhancer.