
member since 2021

Recent Reviews10 total

Cannabis Bazaar

Great little shop.....Not sure whether it loses a point for the smallness, as it really doesn't have the room to browse like many other dispensaries, but.... Good quality product and friendly staff.....And i's local so you feel like you are supporting the little guy,not some huge Canna-corp try to pass itself off as a local shop (Looking at YOU, Star Buds). Give it a try.....


Got this as a result of my work-buddy growing his own cross of Dosodos and Wedding Cake.. Ground up a big nug and smoked a bowl.......Nothing...or so I thought.....Then about ten or fifteen minutes later, I start to feel it behind my eyes. Then, it was like a warm blanket of high descended on me....Luckily, I had the good sense to get off the couch and out the door.....Tried to walk to the convenience store a kilometer away but just got too relaxed and the legs didn't want to work..... Sat for a minute and the tiredness was replaced with the feeling that walking was THE thing I needed to do at that moment. Choosing the proper snacks and drinks seemed like the most vital thing in the world to get right, at that moment. Made it back home(even though the drink got drank on the way home, because of dry mouth.... The high settled into a delicious sense of just wanting to chill with the headphones on, then eventually I fell asleep and slept like a log....


The strain name is accurate; this will turn your plans for being active into a trainwreck/couchlock. It's been a while since I vaped this strain but I remember hitting the pipe while walking home and eerything suddenly seemed interesting; the weather, the cars, the houses, the story inside my head I was telling myself about the people in the houses....Yeah, watch the dosage, because the strain can creep a bit and then hit you right after you've taken that one last hit too far and then you'll be commited to the couch.

Detroit Diesel

I'll admit that this was not the most subtle strain I've ever smoked, but for all the intensity of the effect of the THC, there was still a part of me that was uplifted and energetic. I felt really stoned and still really ready to go do stuff at the same time. We smoked some and went to an all night supermarket. It was both trippy and interesting at the same time. I really recommend this strain to anyone who is looking to try a new strain with some interesting qualities. My suggestion is to smoke this and then go visit a museum.

Dirty Banana

So, dig it: I finish my last shift before my days off. Drop by my friend's local shop so he can grab some flower for his days off. On impulse I grab a ten pack of DB in the .3g pre-roll to try out because I love pre-rolls and I love minis and the gal behind the counter was pretty stoked about this strain. Light one up for the 30 minute walk home. Make it about a block and a bit when I start it creeping up behind my eyes and making me smile a bit. BOOM, hits within another five minutes and I'm off to the races. Normally dislike walking home because I get bored. Man, this DB had me thinking thoughts and just living inside my head and suddenly I'm home. Watched an episode of something on Netflix, then started to get very relaxed, so I head off to bed. Slept like a baby. Just an amazing strain to wind down with at the end of a day, but definately something to smoke when you're DONE for the day, as this ain't no getting shit done weed. Grab some and unwind...


This strain is a creeper. Smoked some and went to do some gardening....Got about 5 minutes into gathering weeds and grass clipping and suddenly I started thinking about something from years ago. As the weed hit, my thoughts got more and more involved and suddenly I realised I'd been just standing there. I thought it was at least 10 minutes, but turned out to be only 2-3. I think this is a great strain to smoke and play your favourite video game. Better yet, re-play a level from a game you haven't played in a while. You'll feel all nostalgic and at ease and you'll have a great sesh.

Orange Sunrise

Not sure why this was recco-d as an uplifting strain that'll make you want to do stuff like clean the house. Felt very body-buzzy and once I sat down, I really just wanted to stay there. That being said, I liked that while it was a bit heavier thanm advertized, it wasn't a HEAVY HEAVY buzz. While you might not want to sweep or clean the tub while under the effects, it's great for going on a walk downtown or something that requires some energy, but doesn't force you to be task-oriented.

Wedding Pie

Ok, 3/5 only because while the high was intense and mostly great, the last three times I've smoked a bowl of this, I've had a "come to Jesus" moment, where I suddenly start thinking about all the mistakes I've made in my life and all the stuff that's not ideal in my life currently and it's a strange feeling. I mean, if you are looking to have one of those "no bullshit" moments and take inventory of what you need to do to fix your life, then great, smoke a big bowl of WP and face the demons in your life.


So they say ACDC doesn't make you high, but I smoked about 4-5 good draws off a vape pen and I'm definately feeling a decent buzz. Great for just unwinding after a long day and easing you into sleep mode. In the past, I've gone to bed and didn't fall asleep immediately but just had an amazing sleep-like relaxation, all while still being awake enough to have these really intersting heuristic thoughts going through my head.

Diesel Duff

I bought an 1/8 of Spinach Diesel just as the pandemic started taking hold in March 2020. Put it through the grinder and man was there a lot of kief. Usually I have to save up the kief from multiple grinds to get anything substantial....Not this time. Anyway, this hits you and puts you in the couch mode right away. Definitely not recommended for day use, unless you have nothing really planned for the day other than say a lonnnnnnnng walk somewhere. Definitely something to relax you and great for helping with insomnia or stress related over-thinking.