
member since 2019

Recent Reviews5 total


I’ve been a medical smoker for 3 years; to date, this strain is the most effective indica I’ve found for nighttime pain relief and sleep. It’s very strong, I smoke about 1/4 as much as I need from other strains. Be ready to sleep for a bit. This strain is hard to find bc it sells out so quickly. Would highly recommend, and in fact is my first recommendation for medical users who need pain relief.

Bubba Kush

POSITIVES: -Insomnia: 1-2 bowls & I’m ready for sleep (it helps me FALL asleep, but then I usually wake up 1-2 hours later). NEGATIVES: -Harsh if smoking: first exhale & my nose, throat, & lungs feel like they’re burning (a lot more intense than your typical stoner cough too). -Dry mouth: Gave md wicked cotton mouth. -Migraines: Maybc og the dry mouth, but occasionally get bad headaches after smoking. OVERALL -Great indica for falling asleep -If you have respiratory issues, you may be better if using a smoke-free alternative (like edibles, concentrates, capsules, etc).

Lemon Skunk

This strain has a delayed onset but when it does kick in, it hits you out of nowhere. I’m laying down smoking, and next thing I know an hours passed and I’ve cleaned my entire house. Great for helping you focus, and provides a burst of energy. The only negative of this strain is that initially after smoking (usually just got a few minutes), or if I over smoke, my heart starts racing and I get that anxiety attack - chest tightness. Like I said, it doesn’t last, and it’s positives certainly outweigh the negatives. But if anxiety is an issue for you, just keep in mind that this strain can cause anxiety-like symptoms.

Rare Darkness

I’m someone who primarily uses sativas; the only time I’ll even try a indica is if I get a migraine and want to be able to sleep. And I’ve tried 20+ indica strains that were mediocre at best. So Rare darkness (Sold as rariden in CT) was a complete shock. This is now the only indica strain I’ll buy, as no other indica comes close. I will note though that it has a delayed effect, so be careful the first time smoking because if you overdo if, it will hit like a ton of bricks. Within 5 minutes my migraine was gone. By ten minutes, I was eating chocolate. By thirty minutes I was asleep, and stayed that way for 5 hours. the only negative is that this strain gave me the absolute worst couch lock I’ve ever experienced (which isn’t a huge issue because I just went to sleep). It’s a good thing I peed before I smoked because otherwise I would have had problems.

Blue Dream

I recently fractured my clavicle, which left me in the unfortunate position of having to find a strain that would help not only with the pain, and the swelling, but also leave me lucid and active enough to work (couldnt afford to miss more work). There seem to be an endless series of indica/super relaxing THC/CBD 1:1 strains, but very few sativa versions. So I was really exited when I notice my local dispensary had their version of Blue Dream (sativa THC:CBD ratio 15:11). So keep in mind I went into this expecting it to be good so that may have skewed my experience. I quickly tried the strain and immediately felt a burst of energy. Within 4 hits (very smoker), I began to feel pain relief. And 2 hours later the swelling was noticeably decreased. Immediately returned and bought 4 more :) Great for day time pain relief