
member since 2019

Recent Reviews1 total

Chemdawg #4

This is my new favorite. I have no clue how this strain could not be rated as high as possible. I'm very OCD and I'm surprised I liked this strain as much as I do. I normally find it hard to like a strain. I only like about 1/8 or something of the ones at dispensaries. Of those ones I usually have a lot of different things I dislike about various strains. With this one I tried it and I was like blown away. I've tried all sorts of strains and not TOO many indica. I've tried triple og wax (89%) and gorrilaglue#4(82.7%)(a.k.a. gg#4) as well as vaping indica herbs but not as much concentrates. This one was like what I was hoping gg#4 would have been. This wax has a TAC of 92.4% and it definitely shows haha. This is my favorite strain which is weird because normally I have a favorite indica or a favorite sativa but not just a general favorite. I literally am thinking of buying up a ton of this and storing it in my freezer or something weird I like it so much lol. Thats weird because normally I think more logically but this strain just works phenomenally well for what I was aiming for in a strain. It's got the best body buzz I've had so far with a headspace that does feel legitimately both like sativa and indica thc (the way thc works in both feels diff to me... Or the psychedelia at least). I feel super relaxed. This feels almost what I feel like my stupid luvox is SUPPOSED to do but kind of fails to do entirely lol. It's like that except if it was fun and enjoyable. The high is super manageable and although I haven't been around people on it I feel very sociable and like I could get super baked on this and not make a fool if myself. Not because I wouldn't be super fucked up.. Because I definitely would be... But because I'd be feel too tired to say something that would make me look stupid (if I was so high that all I'd say were things that sounded idiotic to not super baked people lmao). Which is kind of the perfect level of highness IMO. It honestly fits my introverted personality type well enough that I feel I could vape it whenever and be good to go. Normally I have to worry about how much of a given strain I can smoke but with this stuff I'd have to get pretty baked before it'd be like a problem for me in public. The only strain that is similar to this one in that regard is GSC but this one I feel gives me the body high and perhaps more deep psychedelic aspect that introverts in general crave. I really do think indicas version of thc or whatever (similar to how it's diff if you eat it... Idk indicas version of psychedelia vs. Sativas if thc version is too much) is better for introverts in some ways. Like I feel like I try to be like an extrovert what with these fancy 3d printed up down snake burgers but it seems that's a trap many introverts fall for what with the adderalls and cocaines and coffees about it! and that maybe this strain showed me that naturally introversion really works well for my personality type and there's not really anything wrong with being a more quiet person. I didn't mean for it turn into a manic rant but just goes to show how fun and anxiety free this strain is. Great great indica with solid sativa cerebral stuffs going on (especially if you smoke a lot). It really feels like a more "cool in high school" version of GSC. Like gsc might pretty but tbh Chem 4 is pretty AND rides a Porsche to school. That's the best way I can explain it cause I'm baked and hungry and sleepy lol. Yeah fav strain literally ever. First time even having a fav strain is from this one. So yes... I would buy it for the free up down snake wisdom if nothing else if you get my drift.