
member since 2014

Recent Reviews9 total

Front Avenue Medicinals

I don't know how their flower is, so I can't comment on it. The people here are very nice. They're kind. They make you feel comfortable being there. I like that. They're doing it by the books, which is also comforting (cameras, logs, locked separate room, etc.). The place is also open 24 hours, which you know if you've read the reviews. People are very psyched on that. I got the smallest bit of shatter I could because I had never used anything but flower and edibles and didn't want to throw away too much money if I didn't like it. I asked the budtender what the difference was between shatter, wax, and crumble. I got a brief rundown, but one important detail that was left out was how it was made. I had no idea that shatter was made using butane, and if I was told that I probably would've opted for something else. But to be fair, I could've asked that specifically. I found out about the butane thing when I did some research to find out why I had this odd gasoline-like taste in the back of my throat, why I was coughing way more than I ever do when I smoke or vaporize flower, why my mouth felt weird, why I had a headache, and why I had a strange taste in my mouth the next morning. Also, the bud tender should definitely wear gloves when handling medications, especially sticky, gooey stuff. I know they're all going to read this, because that's what any employee or owner of a business or service would do. I hope you don't take this review personally. I thought everyone was good to me and your flower looked really good. You seem to have a nice dispensary. I just didn't like my experience with the shatter. I'm going to do more research on concentrates and maybe try something else. I did some quick reading on them before coming in but I was also counting on someone at the dispensary (whichever one I went to) to tell me more. That was my first visit and didn't know what to expect. I also missed out on the happy hour donation prices and the free gift for new patients. I don't have a problem with that and I'm not complaining, but be careful not to forget that stuff if you're going to advertise it. Someone else might whine about it. It's all good though. You guys are new. I bet it's real stressful. Good luck. Welcome to Portland.

Blue Dream

Helpful for my IBD with the pleasant side effect of feeling really good about life. I take small doses because I don't use medical marijuana just to get high. At first I felt kind of clouded and "stoned" but after about a half hour or so my head cleared and I felt uplifted, which is great because my prescribed medication does the opposite to me. I have a pretty nasty stomach infection which was soothed (soothed, not eliminated). I used to think any strain would make my stomach feel better but some have had no effect at all. The medications I'm on for the infection also make me feel pretty bad and I haven't been wanting to eat. This strain didn't give me an intense appetite but it did make the idea of eating more appealing and made it pleasurable to eat something finally. I ate because I wanted to, not because I had to. The effects faded gradually and I was left feeling relaxed but not knocked out.

Neighbor Dave's Organics

I was pleased with this place and the guy who helped me (I forgot his name. He did give it to me and other patients call him by name) on my first visit. I was early, so I didn't have to wait because no one was there yet. Patients are let in one-by-one, which is nice. I only bought one strain but it's really great. It smelled great and seemed to be cured properly. I usually vaporize but this time I smoked some from a small pipe I have and it was incredibly smooth like a healthy, quality flower should be.


I'm not sure if it's all strains of Jagermeister or just the one I got, but mine crackled when lit, was stronger than it should have been (I only took one small hit from a pipe) and it made me feel itchy, uncomfortable, and paranoid within a few seconds of smoking it. This is not a pleasant feeling. I know the worst of this will be over within 30-60 minutes, but I also know that it'll linger until I wake up tomorrow, and even then I may feel strange/cloudy/groggy and possibly a bit strange.

White Widow

This is not for me. It made me feel uneasy, nervous, anxious and clumsy. I'm not sure if it's the strain or the plant from the grower I got it from, but I'm not happy with it at all. It doesn't even relieve my stomach pains like other strains do. I feel physically normal but mentally drained. Now I have to just wait out the next few hours for the side effects to wear off.


Tingling pain relief with uplifting effects. Makes me want to go for a jog and talk to strangers. My problems with it are cotton mouth and a cloudy head that lasts a while. I can't comment on the flavor. I use a vaporizer and everything I use tastes like popcorn.

Dairy Queen

A single bud won't be as pungent as a full jar. My bud wasn't as pungent. It could have been an older bud on top of a newer batch though. Another reviewer mentioned how important it was to them to have a strain that doesn't cause panic/anxiety/paranoia. I am more prone to anxiety attacks and paranoia than most patients, and certain strains will set me off, whether I'm alone or with people. I did not experience any negative side effects from Dairy Queen. This is great for my IBS. I usually end up sitting with my hands on my belly waiting for the bubbling, stabbing pains and swelling to stop when my IBS flares up. Minutes after a dose of Dairy Queen, however, and I was fine. I felt some bubbling (which are actually spasms I think) as usual, but they were weaker, and nothing followed. This strain left me relaxed, euphoric yet clear-headed (at first) and quieted all of the racing thoughts in my mind. I have a lot of noise going on at all times (do we all?). It was nice to have it all hushed for a moment so I can actually assess my thoughts. I felt drowsy about an hour later, but it wore off. I had another dose a few hours later, an hour before the time I usually turn in for the night. I was really tired and ready to go to sleep at a respectable time.

Nectar - Sandy & 33rd

Variety Quality Nice, friendly people The atmosphere is pretty good, with minimal visual noise, background music, lots of room for the varying aromas to hang. This is my go-to. Keep up the good work, Nectar.


I am neurotic, suffer from chronic lower back pain, anxiety, stress, and IBS. I smoked a strain labeled "Blueberry" in 2009 (I was in Berkeley). I usually suffer from intense paranoia (locked up, not talking, panicking, trapped in my own thoughts) but I experienced the opposite on Blueberry. I was alert, happy, and extremely talkative. I had a rad night the first time I smoked it. I tried a different strain (a kush... not sure what) the next night and was couch-locked, itchy and paranoid. The night after that, Blueberry again and I was elated. I conserved the rest of the bag by only taking small doses throughout the day as needed for relief. I don't know if the Blueberry strain of 2014 is going to be the same everywhere, but if it is, I recommend giving it a try if you usually get paranoid. However, different strains effect some of us differently, like any other medication, so if you have a panic attack don't blame me.