
member since 2020

Recent Reviews1 total

Jean Guy

Because others have already done a great job detailing the attributes i’ll leave it to them, but what I will say, is that Jean Guy is a great strain. I smoke a LOT, and it takes me at least 2-3 b-rips of any other weed (including some potent shit from connects) to get me buzzing. That is not the case with this strain, as usually 1 bowl gets me to a perfect level, and 2 sends me to the moon lol. It’s extremely pricey from the dispensaries where i’m at ($55 eighth) and usually I would laugh in somebody’s face at that tag but for Jean Guy, it is worth every penny... which I have absolutely never been able to say about any weed priced that high over the market value. I am a music producer (hip hop beats) and music sounds ridiculously good when off the Jean Guy.