
member since 2016

Recent Reviews1 total


Severed nerve - extreme pain. THC-intolerant: causes extreme paranoia, anxiety, psychosis. Also need to function, work, think, read, speak. This ACDC is miraculous. Pain relief with no brain high, only a bit of welcome euphoria, relaxation. Perfect for daytime pain crises and sleeping at night. Though reading boring stuff for work requires a coffee to stay awake. Also requires additional doses as it wears off quickly and when it does the FULL extent of the pain is manifested. As a bedtime elixir: perfect, zero trouble reading and relaxing. Plus an excellent night's sleep! IF there is a tiny amount of anxiety it is manageable, certainly nothing one could call paranoia. As a bonus the minty citrus taste means I don't need to brush my teeth anymore. Leafly - thanks for this forum. The entire world will benefit not only from these blessed strains but also the combined real world analysis here. Now, if these critical medical strains were to be available everywhere as well. Written without slang for Google translatability. Recommend highly! Thank you to the developers.