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Recent Reviews9 total


top shelf one of a kind strain

Gas Face

Great Head high. If you like Dosidos, you'll like this...1st of all - great taste. It's on the dank side which I enjoy. The high quickly settles squarely in the 3rd eye area...like right between/just behind your eyes...like in your head I suppose is what I'm saying. 😉 I'm getting a mild body buzz that I think would be even stronger if my tolerance wasn't so high. I smoked a gram and felt it...but if you're not a daily smoker, I'd take a couple tokes and see where you land. Anyway, Seed Junky's preroll of this for 9 bucks is a top shelf high IMO.

Vibe by California | Sacramento Cannabis Dispensary

Vibe has 3 locations in California - I frequent the Vibe in Sacramento. I have a top shelf dispensary a 1/2 mile from my house...I rarely go there. Instead I drive 15 minutes to get to Vibe on Alpine...and I go there 2-3 times a week! Some people don't like spreading the word about a good thing bcuz they want to keep it all to themselves...honestly, I almost didn't post this bcuz I nearly gave in to selfishness myself! Vibe deserves your patronage and I challenge you to find a cheaper dispensary with top shelf/quality mids/flower/concentrates in Sacramento! I routinely look on other websites to see what the "other" dispensaries charge for what I just bought at Vibe - and I'm always surprised they can stay in business for what they charge! For instance - DimeBag prerolls are sold everywhere around here for $6-7...Vibe charges $4.50...DimeBag ¹/8ths - $25.00 at most dispos - $15.00 at Vibe. ..Clout Drank by Clout King - $50 a lid most places - $40 at Vibe. I recently bought an ABX GDP 1/2 gram cartridge for $18.50+ at Vibe ...anywhere else that would be $25+. Etc. Etc. Now, on to their clones! Hands down - best clones on the market IMO! You will get a decent size clone with NONE of the nodes razored off etc...in fact, the amount of branching that you get on their clones is akin to what you see when growing from seed. I have bought at least 15 clones from Vibe...and one of the BIGGEST reasons why I could was - their clones are only $15.66 + tax! So you will get a bigger fuller plant than from say CLTVTD/Dark Heart/Etc. and you'll get one sooner. When I look at my non-Vibe clones, I realize the other dispensaries sell literal sticks with 4-5 leaves and ONE node with baby branch growth. Vibe's clones are $21.05 out the door - which is bitchin'. The anemic clones I've bought from other clone Co's/dispensaries are $27.50 out the door. All of these $7 here and $7 there add up...it's like removing 80% of the taxes... Add in the staff - including security - being friendly and upbeat and you have the best dispensary in Northern California IMO. I thought I wanted to keep this "secret" all to myself...but, now that I've thought about just how great their stuff is for so cheap, I am happy to spread the word! Please give them a chance - you won't be disappointed. 😄 (And no, I do NOT work for Vibe...) Take care everyone! Me

Dark Dosi

Lithouse is now producing a sun and moon grown version of this beautiful strain...and it is some really good gear! I ripped the top of the bag off and fukt off the deets...but I kid you not the cannabs were 30- some odd and the THC was 29%...I know my weed by now and I've had Dosidos that were GSC leaning in its warm body high...this batch of lithouse is like 80% Face Off OG and 20% GSC. My covid tolerance has been crazy high...right now, I'm about middle tolerance and I'm Whacked. My face was numb and tingly like the best Face Off review you've ever read...and yet - NO anxiety, no fear...and the GSC comes in to warm up your soul just when you think it's fading. I've smoked a shit ton of dosidos in my day but this example from Lithouse is that x shit...at least 5! Dosidos is my all time fave strain so I don't say it has been outdone or bettered lightly...Lithouse did it.

Peanut Butter Breath

I've always loved this strain. It's dense like an OG and smells/tastes like nothing else if grown properly...I HIGHLY recommend buying this strain from the Humboldt area/Colder Climates. Peanut Butter Breath seems to be the most nutty/peanut-buttery smelling/tasting (IMO) when it is grown in a cooler climate. I've had it from the Bay Area and south - and they just don't stand up to the more northern grown examples. Mendo Breath (half of PBB) is also best when grown near the ocean. So, if you CAN, DO get it from as far North as possible. (Thank me later :-) Dosidos was this addict's first true revelation that Cannabis body highs can be better than opiates...especially if you've run your race w/opiates and they don't do anything anymore...Mendo Breath is such a great compliment as well...the only Face Off OG hybrid that has a heavier body high (IMO) is Golden Ticket (Face Off OG x Golden Goat). May the gods bless my fellow body high loving brothers and sisters...we have a special tendency to need extra pain relief...we tend to be water signs or more specifically- Geminis? 😉 Anyway, I've smoked PBB in the last 20 minutes...can you tell? Take care all! (Tonight's PBB was provided by Honeydew Farms, Humboldt, CA. 25.6% and def. Peanut buttery.)

Golden Ticket

If you are a fan of Indica dominant strains with Face Off in them - like Peanut Butter Breath, Dosidos, Planet Dosi, etc. - and you're looking for the body high and euphoria of Face Off without the tiredness of those other strains - then you need this shint. Golden Goat is a sativa but it compliments the Face Off in many Indica-like ways...all while keeping you awake/aware enough to enjoy the high. How many times have you been sitting somewhere high as a kite (on ANY drug) and just as you're thinking "This is the best I've ever felt!" - you fall asleep. All of that feeling good went in the dumper. Consider Golden Goat the Speedball of Cannabis (IMO - the word "weed" belittles the plant.) It has a heavy hitting downer in it that you really love...and that beautiful downer can be enjoyed because of the heavy hitting upper that is also in it. I'm writing Kerouac-ian length sentences right now - so the Golden Goat is definitely shining through at the moment...but, Neal and I are about to burn another one down...so, "Heyeah come the Face Off!" Take care everyone!

Connected Cannabis Co - Sacramento

Great place, great staff. Their prices are "out the door"...so if it says $55 for half an ounce of indoor, that's all you'll pay...it won't be $55 online and then when you get there it's $85. I bought a half ounce of Moonbow (23%) for $55...period. That's pretty cool. I've only found one place that beats its prices and I ain't tellin'.

Skunk 1

Everybody has already covered the history and the "Back in my day, I had to walk uphill to school both ways! When we wanted Skunk, we had to chase one of those stinky bastards until we caught 'em. Then keeping the little sucker lit was always an issue. Yep, Skunk ain't like it used to be." How any of that is helpful to a review or the modern state of dope is beyond me. I did want to point out that UK Cheese/Cheese is just a Skunk phenotype that has been skunked up so much that it went cheesy. So, if you want a superstar Skunk that is Skunk x Skunk, go with Cheese rather than Skunk. I might be a little off because we're really starting to split hairs here with all the "you kids won't ever have the good weed like we used to get" bullshit. I'm 49 and you know what we got in Northern California most of the time in the 80's and 90's? Rat weed and Mexican ? Mark strain shake/brick weed..with seeds of course. It wasn't good shake unless it had more seeds than dope right? And back then, growing was not a possibility...unless you wanted to really land in some shit. I'm currently growing 10 different strains. So, did we have dope back in the day? Yes. Was it more crap than good? Oh yeah. Would I have known true Skunk back then? Only by smell...but then, who's to say that what these people actually smoked back in the day WAS Skunk. It could have had Skunk IN IT, so it smelled like Skunk. But nobody on the street could tell 100% what the hell any of it was. People always SAID it was this or that...but that's what insecure and greasy dope dealers say - "Best Skunk in the valley dude!" Yeah right...I can tell by the dime bag for a nickel...and the seeds are really telling me this is some real potent shit." There's a lame 80's, 90's saying for that load of crap: NOT!

Jelly Breath

Just smoked half of what I usually have to smoke to get that "morphine" kick to the back of the neck and head. (major covid-19 tolerance right now. I've been smoking 1.75 - 2.5 grams a day) I am an opiate addict who never got into weed as a kid. I now can say - because of strains like this - that I have no desire to use. I'm actually going to the dispensary with $40+ instead of calling my man. Bonus - this body high is better and more consistent than the street black tar that's out there right now. I don't say that bcuz I'm encouraging opiate use in any way. In fact, take it from this 20+ year opiate addict - legal cannabis is better for you and will get you where you want to be FAR more often than opiates. If you don't knock your tolerance out of whack like I have in the last 60+ days of quarantine, you can have beautiful effects on a regular basis. And you won't lose your family, car, job, life, etc. if you get pulled over with Jelly Breath in your car. If you get caught with ANY illegal opiates, guess what - you are screwed. I have been smoking Planet Dosi 8/10, Mendobreath 9/10, Josh D OG 8/10, Midnight Snack 9/10, etc. - all heavy indicas IMO...so, I needed something "stronger"...and so far, I have definitely found it. Korova Brand - Jelly Breath. $50 (the most I've ever spent on an 1/8th!) and we'll worth it. I smoked half of the smallest bud in the jar and right now, I'm happy as hell with that. Smoothest bong smoke you'll experience this year - I promise. That's easily half of what I've had to smoke for the same effect for the last month. If you are wondering if you are going to "feel" Jelly Breath - you will. If you don't/can't, you seriously need a tolerance break. I say that because unless you have a G-13 connect, you probably won't find another indica dominant hybrid that will perform like this...so, don't waste this strain if you don't feel it. Don't smoke at all for 36 hours and then hit it again. Thank me later. I apologize for the long post...but, I wanted to really qualify my history/opinion. I come to Leafly for this kind of information...so, I am trying to contribute that kind of information. If you are a 1st - 10 time smoker - take one or two mild hits of Jelly Breath and wait 20 minutes. I'm serious. If Jelly Breath was the first weed I ever smoked, I probably wouldn't have bothered with heroin. So much more positively in Jelly Breath. TAKE CARE EVERYONE!