
member since 2015

Recent Reviews1 total

Green Crack

This is my favorite strain by far. Every time my dealer has it I buy as much as I can get and I hoard it for months. I much prefer the sativa-dominant phenoytpe; I have for years called the indy 'creen grack' because it LOOKS like GC, SMELLS like GC, TASTES like GC... but just doesn't perform like GC. I'll take a moment here to state that I have Aspergers; cannabis isn't about getting high for me, it's about experiencing a fuller range of the human spectrum. Green Crack fires up my mind; fatigue rolls away, inspiration washes in, and motivation pervades. Days off work fueled by GC become 12-14 hour productivity streaks where I smoke a bowl and then don't stop moving (or typing, depending on the work at hand) for a few hours until I have my next. If I had to pick one strain to have nothing else but forever, this would be it. :)