Mandarin Cookies
Smells and tastes like mandarin oranges. It's uncanny how distinct and specific the flavor is. As for the effects, it's a bit unconventional compared to other strains I've had. It's indica dominant(I think), so you get the relaxing effects, but the sativa part keeps you more alert than a true indica. I use sativa or sativa dominant hybrids in the morning and during the day and indica at night. This is a good bridge between the two. I'm not able to really describe the effects in detail, I imagine I've tried more than 100 strains, maybe even 200, in my life but I have trouble putting the differences into words, a lot seem pretty indistinct. I have six strains at the moment and this one really stands out, nothing else I have is similar to it. I can say it is among the best strains I have bought from a dispensary. I purchased it at Vidacann in Orlando and the batch was 21.3% THC. I suffer from anxiety and depression, it treats both well. I also have a wrecked knee and it helps with pain. The strain description and the other reviews I have read are pretty spot on. I will be buying it again and I highly recommend it.