
member since 2016

Recent Reviews2 total

Hindu Kush

Doesn't burn well. Try vaping it, but not good for rolling.

Northern Lights

Was looking for something to knock me out during a bout of insomnia. Bought 1/8th of this and 1/4th of Hindu Kush. First night I smoked 1 gram of this while sipping some wine. In 15mins my whole body had pins and needles. More than I've ever felt, especially the back of my arms and behind my knees. Both lymph node areas. I'm glad I made my way to the bed when I did because my legs were starting to become wobbly. It was great. No sooner had I hit the pillow I had passed out into a glorious dream free coma sleep. I have smoked it since, without the wine and it was the same effect of putting me out, just no pins and needles. Don't be put in public with this stuff, or plan to do anything but be horizontal. Smells pleasantly sweet, no skunky smell.