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Recent Reviews40 total


Chernobyl has been a popular one lately in the northwest. I had to take this one for a spin. Here is how I felt about it. The bud was very soft and covered in sugar. I mean COVERED. It was a very appealing piece of bud. Green and dense. To me it smelled sour. It tasted sort of sour too. I got a very moderate throat hit ... more on the lighter side. The flavor was the same. A bit of lemon and pepper taste to it. Lemon - Pepper. If I could name the strain , that is what I would name it. The high was pretty intense and debilitating. My bud was sitting at 21 percent so this wasn't a huge surprise to me. I became euphoric and a bit paranoid. I was able to soldier on and go downstairs to face my family. No doubt this is more on the sativa side. Usually I don't prefer that type so keep that in mind. My family was fun to be around but I didn't want to be around them for long. I felt like just listening to music or playing video games and I kind of just wanted everyone to leave me alone pretty quickly. This is definitely not a strain for the family man. If you are planning on spending a night alone ... and I mean alone. Then this would be a good one .. Otherwise I would pass on it. - Pineapple Scott


GG4 , Gorilla Glue, Original Glue This is a legendary strain. It also had legendary shoes to fill. The quality of the flower I got was ok. I got it for 1.60 a gram during 4:20 so I wasn't expecting any miracles. This flower was 20 percent THC and i've seen it as high as 30. So this was probably middle of the road stuff. It smelled very sour. One of the most sour of any recent experience. It was a dense and hard bud. Sugar and orange hairs abound. I took my first light. This log sent dense milky clouds into the pipe immediately. Very fast burning, despite it's density. The throat hit was immediate and in the words of Nelson from the simpsons - " It tastes like burning " . A very pungent woody and intense burn ... with a sort of grape after taste when it was all over. The high did live up to its reputation. It was intense and immediate. Right up there with GSC for knock you on your ass level of stoned. I was out of it after the first rip and the second one just sent me even more overboard. Very psychedelic, dry mouth, eyes, throat. I was pretty much good for nothing. Not sure how i'm going to complete the rest of my night actually. For me this high was sort of too intense. My paranoia was rampant and it was like a haunted house that I just wanted to escape. I didn't like the place it took me. I was frightened to go downstairs and try and face my family. Medicinally ... you would have to be in a very dark place for this to do anything for you ... and if you are not careful I could see this pushing some people over the edge. I would only use it as essentially a pair of shock paddles. What I mean is .... They could save you if you're dead ... But kill you if you are already alive. Very Very Freakin intense and strange ... and for this reason its 3 stars. A 2 on the enjoyment scale. But a 5 in that I will never forget this one. And i'll only reach for it again if my mind gets bad.... really bad. Use at your own risk. It could save your life ... or end it. Good luck either way .... - Pineapple Scott

Conspiracy Kush

Conspiracy kush I got this one on april 20th ( 4:20 ) for a screamin deal. At 1.80 a gram I didnt know much about it , and at that price ? I didnt really care. It was sort of hard , had minimal sugar , green with bits of purple or black and a few orange hairy things. It smelled like traditional skunky pot It tasted like practically nothing , maybe a touch of lemon or a sort of woody burnt taste. But it tasted like practically nothing and that was sort of nice. No throat hit. Extremely smooth. Probably the best feature of this strain for me. The hits took a few minutes to catch on ... one , two , three ... off the old water pipe. Nothing. Then ... kapow. It hit me. I was very chill , not too smart and very emotional. I looked at pictures of my wife and kids and felt really good about everything and everyone. Dry mouth and eyes, unable to do some advanced tasks. Pretty much incapacitated. This would be a nice strain if you were depressed or having a hard time connecting to those around you. It's tasteless and that can be nice. Enjoy conspiracy kush ... but don't expect this one to be your main grab.

Critical Mass

Critical Mass This was a great one. Here's the quick review. Critical mass was a very quick burning and heavy hitting medicinal strain. The flavor was alright and it left you somewhere past clear headed but not quite to full on stoned. I got this stuff pretty cheap from a new dispensary. It was about 6 months old. The buds on this one were kind of a low quality. Even some twigs in there for good measure. Green with some of that fuzzy moss on it. No obvious orange,purple or black. Not covered in sugar. Sort of unappealing. The smell was sour. Pretty traditional. It burned quickly and hit the throat moderately hard. Just enough to let you know it was there, but not enough to really really burn. I liked it. I prefer a bong rip that has a little bit of a bite to it. Maybe not everyone does. The flavor hit fast. Sort of a combination of wood at first with a slightly grape aftertaste. I thought it was pleasant. The feeling took a bit to set in. I felt pretty clear headed but not totally. It probably pushed me just a bit farther then you should be driving if that's any reference. My whole body from my head down to my heels felt relaxed and tingly. This was a very very medicinal strain. I felt good and not paranoid , hungry or really really tripped out. This is a great cross between what I would call a "recreational" strain and a "medicinal" strain , leaning more towards recreational. Meaning it has a little bit more psychedelic and cerebral qualities then it would pain, anxiety or insomnia relieving, Although it definitely has those also. Didn't have a lot of paranoia or other negative side effects some of this pot has. That is probably in large part due to the higher cbd content of this one. I was not as hungry as I usually get. Which is good because I am concerned with my diet. But the pain relief and relaxation was there. If I had a higher tolerance , this would be my new daily user. As it is it will probably be a good reach for when I've had a bit more rough of a day. Enjoy the sweet embrace .... of critical mass. - Pineapple Scott


I'm actually going to give this one 5 stars. Here is the quick review. This strain tastes and smells great, it burns at a nice pace and gets you a recreational level of screwed up. Hard hitting and cerebral. So first off I paid 35$ for AN OZ of this stuff ! The cheapest i've ever bought. That being said my expectations weren't high. The flower looked typical and I thought " i'll give it a whirl for that price " . So buy I did. It smells like a fruit. No joke. A hint of the sour pot smell. But very fruity. Would make a good air freshener. I lit up a bowl. It burned quickly, but not quickly enough to scorch my throat. A very favorable amount actually. I tasted a sort of cinnamon taste at first. Sweet, followed by nothing at all. It started off nice and faded into tastelessness. Very strange considering the namesake. The high definitely crept up on me. I thought at first " no wonder this was 35 bucks an OZ ". Then .... Bam ... Right in the kisser. I had a very potent and cerebral high. Definitely had the munchies and my thoughts were clouded. I felt creative , hell i'm writing this during it .... if that gives you any idea. However very debilitating. I would not want to go out in public or get any work done on this. It would be a fun one that you do at the end of the day or with friends on a weekend. It gets you screwed up and you could have a good time. If you are in need of a serious pain busting bomb at the expense of some mental capability and clarity then this one would be a good pick. I wasn't too sleepy. But I also wasn't going on a jog anytime soon. Medicinally you would have to be in some serious pain for this to be worth doing in the morning. It's that debilitating. Mentally I don't know what it would be that good for because of its potency. It would be a hail mary for sure. This strain IS HOWEVER good for one thing .... FUN. Itll shoot you off to space and taste like cinnamon and sugar with a scent of citrus while doing it. Rad. For having a good time this will be one of my main squeezes.


GSC ... ( the artist formerly known as girl scout cookie ) I have been waiting a looooong time to try this one. Tonight was the night. This strain's reputation speaks for itself. You've heard of it. Who hasn't ? It's one of today's most iconic strains. It seems like everything has some sort of "cookies" in it ? If they mix it in with that many strains it must be awesome right ?! Well sort of .... This pot smelled like pot. With a name like "cookies" I expected something a little more subtle. I thought " ok ... yup , that's pot " . Lets move along. I loaded up a bowl of the greenish purple ( almost black ) flower and lit up. The cannabis burned rather quickly and hot. The throat hit took a second and burned pretty bad. It was one of the more harsh smokes i've had in awhile. The flavor was not sweet at all ... it was very "chemically" almost like you were smoking pine sol. "Candyland" tasted alot similar if you're familiar with that. " It must be some irony here " I thought to myself as I pondered on the weeds namesake. There is nothing sweet or "Cookie-ie" about this stuff. It smells and tastes like shit as well as hitting your throat like an afterburner to a SR-71 blackbird! Not what I was expecting at all. Then the ol GSC kicked in ... It came rather quickly and hit hard. Like a freight train actually and I had a really hard time remembering things. Everything had a green color sort of kaleidoscope thing going on. Very Very psychedelic. When you look at a tye dye shirt ? That is how you are going to feel. All over the place in an abyss of color. Stunning visual effects. This stuff kicked my ass. Very Very Strong. Do not take around kids or in a situation where you might be needed to drive or anything. You wouldnt (should'nt). My mind felt very quiet. Alot of pot makes me feel like i'm in this wind tunnel. GSC made me feel like I was the only human in space , and everything was quiet. Dead quiet. For someone with a really deep depression or in need of a wild pain relief or anxiety bomb. This would probably do something for you. I know we've all had those times where we just want to hit the ejection button. This will hit that button for you. You will eject into the vastness and silence of space. And for better or for worse you'll have whatever thoughts you take in there with you, and nothing else. This is really going to smack the hell out of you psychologically. So I would say this is more of a "hail mary" medicinally ... You need to score a touch down mentally and you only have 7 seconds with no timeouts with 76 yards to go downfield. You need to get some sort of relief quick and you're willing to take a big risk to get it at this point. That is also GSC. If you dont mind a chemically stinky harsh NUCLEAR MIND BOMB then GSC is definitely up your alley. Not for the feint of heart. No it does not taste nor smell nor in any minuscule way resemble cookies. Not sure where that came from.


This was a different one for me. I picked this bad boy out at a local dispensary for what I would call top dollar. This was the premo a premo , they actually called it " sunset sherbert " . This gram was 10 bucks. Keep in mind this is when oregon is producing twice the pot which we can even manage to smoke or eat ( which is a ton by the way ). This stuff smells like pot. There is no fancy italian way to describe it. Nothing out of the ordinary. It's weed. It smells like 99.9 percent of the other stuff out there. Nothing to write home about. This stuff was rated powerfully. Like almost 30 percent thc in my neck of the woods. Which is probably why it cost so much. And it shows. At first the sherbert burnt like a sticky log. It was slow and tough to burn. You practically needed a crack torch to get this stuff off the bowl. But eventually and in small doses, it did come off. It had some of the best flavor I've ever had the pleasure of smoking. An honest to god fruit flavor. It tasted almost sour and almost sweet. It's probably tied for the best flavor of anything i've ever smoked ( when fresh ) . Orange ... for sure some sour orange type flavor... " Ahhh " I thought to myself " This is why they call it sherbert " .... Boy it sure doesn't SMELL LIKE IT ... BUT IT TASTES LIKE IT! THATS why they call it sherbert. It tastes so good ... and in this case I forgot my name and why I loved my cat so much pretty darn quick. I got this really cold feeling in my chest and thought " hey .... this isnt working " ... That's when it hit me ! I slid into this intergalactic sour patch kid fantasy land. My shoulders felt like they were made of cabbages or lettuce. My arms were carrots. The world tasted like a peabody strawberry ( Which I would like to think is an exotic british strawberry ) . But alas ... I was just stoned in my cold fucking attic with a shitty feral cat in my lap while my wife and kid slept downstairs. I was probably being a piece of shit dad ... But I felt okay and like I had just eaten a fruity treat. Fuckin A man. This stuff may smell like pot. But it tastes like heaven. PS: I also started my family and apologizing for all my past transgressions and crying and stuff. So probably a good idea to turn your phone off. Youll be that messed up. - Pineapple Scott

Cherry OG

30$ for 1/2 oz. Lets start off with that Bottom bargain basement shit right here. Still looked good. Tasted great and worked great. Yes I had a dry mouth , no I dont even feel like talking about it right now. I just feel like being left alone. Doing my thing. Aint no thang. Everything was great. The high was strong. Really strong. Couldn't really do much. If you just want to hit the ejection seat on life. This is probably the one for you. It was a bit too much for me. My eyes felt like they were burning pretty hard. But I didn't feel any pain, probably could have slept easily. It was just a bit much. The flavor and smoke were so good. Smelled and hit sooooo freakin good. But it's kind of Too good to be true. Because its not. The high is just so strange and dis orienting. I love to fly but this feels like being in a dust cloud. In a nutshell , Great taste. Strange , Strange and Overpowering effects. Somebody grab me some clear eyes .... - Pineapple Scott

A Prime Leaf

I went here for their grand opening. They had some vendors talking about their products and a rapper guy outside. Kind of neat. I went in and was helped by an asian guy. He was pretty nice and advised me about a few of the promotions they were having. Everyone wore gloves but here is the strange thing. There was nothing actually being measured out and dispensed as far as I could tell. Maybe it was just the stuff on promotion but it looked like everything was already pre measured out or at a minimum everything that they had to measure out was considered " Top shelp bud " .... I hate pre packaged stuff. Hate it. There is so much competition in town that even at 5.00 a gram you cant afford to have pre packaged stuff. That being said the quality of the flower for the 1/2 oz I bought was still top notch for the price. 30$ .... No stems or anything. I've bought 50$ oz and 25$ 1/2 oz before and the quality is never that good. Clearly sun grown and usually a fair amount of stems. That was not the case here. I was really impressed by the quality bud especially considering the bottom of the barrel price I paid. That will bring me back for sure.