
member since 2021

Recent Reviews2 total


I write ALL my reviews for those who suffer with anxiety in mind. As a sufferer of it myself, I know how the slightest thing (like the rush of being hit with a THC high lol) can throw you into a panic, and that is a terrible feeling. I am just now getting back into the cannabis world after 20 yrs, cannabis has come along way and is much more potent then back in my hay day! So rightfully so, I have been VERY cautious of not waiting to ruin it by getting paranoid or wigging out! I purchased this product at my local dispensary due to the multiple articles and reviews I read stating it was a wonderful CBD strain w/little to no psychoactive effects. The specific product Info was Harle-Tsu- CBD Disposable Oil Cartridge - 132mgT/110mgC (Rythm). I have only utilized the flower form of cannatonic and ACDC (both high CBD strains) in my new journey thus far. The latter 2 having no real psychoactive effects, but major medicinal benefits (highly recommended them both). I took one 3 second pull from the vape of the Harle-Tsu, holding it in for about 2-3 seconds. I almost instantly felt the old familiar rush hit me. It was much stronger than I was anticipating. I started to feel a bit nervous with some mild uptick in my heart beat kicking in and I realized that I was in-fact getting high, which due to everything I had read about the strain, I was not expecting. I started to feel like I was getting ready to go down that old path of getting paranoid, when all of a sudden an immediate and overwhelming sense of relief both physically and mentally washed over my entire body. My chronic pain was instantly negated. It truly was odd and great all at the same time! That little voice in the back of my head (anxiety sufferers know what Im talking about) was still in the back ground trying to make me get scared, but to my amazement and GREAT benefit, the overall effects of this strain outweighed that negativity. I did feel a need to stay busy as to not get stuck in any thought pattern for the 1st 30 mins, but I could not deny how great I felt. While I was not looking for or expecting to be “high”, I was actually really enjoying it, along with the uplifting warm and fuzzy vibe this strain offered me. The mental high lasted for a good 1.5 hrs, with the over all experience lasting about 3 hrs. I was totally able to function doing things at the house, showering, doing hair/makeup (my makeup looked AMAZING lol), but I was alone so I can not speak of how or if my high would have been super apparent to anyone else (I’m suure my spoken word would have been a little delayed). Being that this whole situation happened unexpectedly, I think it may have been a good thing since I didn’t have time to overthink it. I will say that I would recommend having more information available re: the strain of Harle-Tsu that is higher in THC content. I have not tried it since, but mainly due to just not having the right opportunity. I would imagine if in good company, this strain would be great for conversation with the propensity of bringing those good laughs too!


This product was my 1st introduction back into the world of cannabis in 20 years. I get sever anxiety when I do not feel like I have control over my surroundings, so rightfully so I was very nervous about what effects this would have on me. I use to indulge back in the day, but paranoia would creep up and exasperate my anxiety, so I stopped. I tried Cannatonic for the 1st yesterday and it was awesome! As a true nervous nellie, I kept waiting for that “feeling” of uncertainty to kick in, and it did not. Actually at no point did I ever even feel “high”. I felt very calm, relaxed, and steady, but not in a “I just took something” way… I was completely normal. I noticed a pretty quick relief to my chronic pain areas. I felt zero effects of the THC as it would relate to the feeling of “being stoned”. To me, the taste reminds me of what Italian seasoning smell like! lol Great product for medicinal purpose and as a way for a very anxious person to try to slowly step back into the world of cannabis.