
member since 2018

Recent Reviews10 total

Alien Dawg

TLDR: acidic, strong visual high with overwhelming body relaxation and warmth, might knock you out for awhile so use carefully first time. Got this at OCS Tested at 13% THC but I’m s weekly user so strong enough for me. Vaped 0.15g at 162C, sour astringent like whiffing battery acid which wasn’t great, but managed 12 inhales. Had vaped 8mg CBD 3 hours before so it might have modified some effects. Started hitting in 25 minutes and built quickly to massive high, flat on back with crazy electric edged moving visuals, dizzy and definitely clumsy at times. Soon joined by tingling warm body effects but these were too distracting for sex and mindless munchies too easy. . High lasted over 3 hours then faded to drifting mind and warm heavy body. Even indicas never put me to sleep though, but the drifting was pleasant enough not to care, unlike wired sleeplessness that sativas put me into for much of the night. However by 6 hours was sleeping though with intense dreams that woke me every hour or two. Indicas often give me foggy hangover next morning but this one seemed not to.

North Star CBD

Tried this as alternative to tinctures of isolate in oil, to get faster onset and shorter activity. CBD can be kryptonite for high energy creative workaholics like me so it’s hard to use it for a sound sleep without messing up your day. With tincture I would have to take it at 7pm so the release 12 hours later would let me bounce up in the morning after a sound sleep, but the gradual onset meant sleep kept getting postponed. Indicas simply leave me groggy and sleepless for 12 hours (and suppress REM sleep for 36 hours which really messes me up) so they are not a sleep aid for me. Something that kicked in fast and ended at 6 or 7 hours seemed ideal like vaped flower. Tried this and Temple through OCS, both came in sealed jars (seeing a tax seal was a new experience too). Had my doubts about the pancake and supplier as you can see before buying, but this strain was in good shape, fresh and floral scent with big buds. Temple was tiny stale smelling shwag which had been a complaint early in legal weed, maybe it was old stock. But this was good, filled my vape with 0.15 gram which should last several days, and tried 10 inhales at 164C. Some roughness in throat but just enough to know I was actually getting active material. Pretty pure CBD, tested at 14% CBD and 0.5% THC, But did feel a clear transition—not a high (though it could be mistaken for one). It was like living a mile from an industrial plant that shuts down suddenlly in the evening, a whirring in the brain suddenly quieter and relaxed, if it had been bedtime my suddenly heavy eyelids would have let me nap immediately. Took about 90 minutes to adapt, then wide awake but the obsessive drives gone. Definitely primed for good sleep. Later felt warmth that released suddenly which is my morning signal that the CBD is letting my body temperature return to daytime levels, and when that passed brain was right back in overdrive. So it looks good so far. Still need to judge timing and whether small aloof THC will impact REM sleep.

Ayahuasca Purple

I am a practicing shaman so researching the spiritual opportunities of cannabis is high on my list of goals. While I have never taken ayahuasca and don’t plan to, I have researched its role, it’s effects and subjective experiences. Reviews left me in some doubt as to whether it would live up to its nam, so I tried other trippy strains first, getting attuned to the visuals and figuring out what effects let in the spiritual direction I needed, and how to set sound and intentional space for it. This strain did not disappoint on most levels and will likely be an important part of my toolkit in the future, along with my usual drums, rattles, music and other non-ethnogenic means. Imagery was responsive and linked to strong interaction with the plant teacher, who is complex just as the purposes Cannabis is used for are, and the immersive and natural quality definitely at the level desired. Other dimensions of the effect were also good. Only minor dry eyes and mouth, strong visual snow and body tingling, and the sense of endless floating and tumbling, both of which lead to strong hypnagogic state that when surrendered to took me elsewhere quickly: initially to imagery and relaxation, then eventually to sleep. Normally Cannabis (even indicas and high CBD strains) leave me sleepless for at least 12 hours. Ayahuasca Purple had the least issues with disruptions of REM sleep of any strain yet. Spiritual part of high was about 2 hours, another hour of less focused experiences, a couple hours of heavy bodied wakefulness with munchies and I fell asleep naturally with normal dreams by 7 hours. Woke the next morning with almost not drowsiness or other Cannabis hangover. Medically, it temporarily suppressed my food sensitivity allergies but if anything made my tendinitis flare, though that was normal by 8 hours. Touch and hearing were slightly number do it might be good for pain. Only slight dizziness and pretty good mental clarity, though the sensory effects and altered focus would not likely allow normal functioning.

Alien OG

Amazing strain that awakened me to real Cannabis. I’d tried a few unspecified strains before (everyone I knew was clueless as to strains, just passing on “street weed”), but this one was so far out of the box I started researching to find what it was. Piney lemon cleaner scent, Trippy high, and unbelievable sexual effects, (it took several months to match the mystery weed to Alien OG, thanks to legalization in Canada it’s easy to order almost any strain now, no more relying on whatever is at hand). Fir me, this strain begins by pulling me out of whatever I’m focused on, to come and play. I literally get keyboard lock. Then I need to get to a comfortable spot because dizzy time warp makes it an adventure to move around. Phospheses become a light show (though I’ve since found even better pseudo psychedelic strains, this was the first to do this, some that allow full control or interaction as well, this strain tends to do what it will though). Music or drumming really lights up the night. Sexually it’s a real enhancer, makes everything feel sensual, and yet distorts familiar sensations till it’s all new and wonderful, and the time lag effect really leads to amazing feedback loops at times. Orgasm is long and hard muscle lock sometimes fir minutes, and even multiples (male multiples are not a myth as I found out experimenting with this one). . It even leaves a lingering aura that makes me horny fir the next 24 to 36 hours. The high lasts fir several hours, at least 3 hours for the trippy bits, then 6 hours of drowsy warm euphoric fuzziness. The only negative for me is that I can’t sleep for 12 hours and the REM sleep suppression messes me up till the next nights sleep, but totally worth the lost nights sleep. I indulge a couple times a week in this or similar strains, no more than that or it turns me into a sleep deprived zombie.


Not good for me, initial locked/wired crash fir a couple hours, then slightly wired for 22 to 18 hours. Comedown left me with upset stomach and drowsiness. It may be CBD but too sativa.

CBD Critical Mass

So far my favorite CBD strain, about 2:1 fir this batch. Fir some reason I don’t respond typically to CBD strains and crash with drowsiness fir an hour or two after taking it. Often I’m already tired at this point but even if fresh it happens. The good effects last for about 16 hours, mellow and a bit relaxed but pretty much fully functional if slightly lower energy than usual. The comedown is almost unnoticeable. I have tried this strain for tendinitis and it helps a bit, but it has not yet helped other chronic issues. My main use is as a buzz-killer safety net when I experiment with strong trippy or sativa strains, these leave me sleepless fir over 12 hours. (Many strains affect me in uncommon ways so I have to test them myself). Nothing worse than lying awake at 5 in the morning, wired and tired and bored with a long comedown or unpleasantly fuzzy headed or couchlocked. But a few inhales of Critical CBD and it’s like being hit with a bucket of ice water: wired, fuzziness, or dizziness vanished in a couple of minutes. It makes me drowsy but almost never puts me to sleep, then in a couple hours I can get up and go about my day.


Really bad experience with this strain (not sure if it would be paranoia, depression, or somnolence). This batch tested at 12% CBD and 6% THC so was not expecting much psychoactive effects, however so far almost all high CBD strains give me a couple hours of drowsy crash immediately after taking them. (I take CBD Critical Mass as my universal buzz killer when a Sativa strain gives me insomnia, but this was taken by itself at 7pm to evaluate side effects). There were no real effects fir a few hours, then got really drowsy and crashed to bed early, Slept for 11 hours. (I do recall dreams so at least it didn’t cause the usual THC suppression that messes me up). Very lethargic and fuzzed on waking, despite morning workout. This progressed to pervasivevnegative thoughts leading to strong near depression lasting till the 24 hour mark after taking it, despite taking a few puffs of Jack Herer to try to break out of it. (I am an upbeat positive person and only get this way as a result of rare medication side effects). The nightmare finally broke at the 24 hour mark but I won’t try this one again.


I found GG4 interesting but not up to the hype. Strong smell and harsher on exhale, some dry mouth. Onset build over 30 minutes or more, a time-warping delay in sensing my own motions slowly proceeded to couch-lock. Munchies more aggravating than most other strains, maybe because I had nothing to satisfy them with at the time. Tried sex as usual, just too indica for me. Pleasure waves (pc contractions) as in other strains, but initially body was numb, only when full body tingles started was sexual stimulation possible. It proceeded indica-slow but climax was weak. After this the full effect hit, pleasurable couch lock with floating sensations, and mix of strong mental imagery and light show. I remember thinking “this is great, could be a new favorite” but later had no idea why. My memory for the high was very impaired, more than almost any other strain I’ve tried so far. The pleasant high ended shockingly abruptly at 2 hours after first puff, then as is true for almost all strains for me, sleeplessness for 12 hours. There was some pleasant fog but less than many other strains. SUMMARY: I would not recommend GG4 if you get sleeplessness as a side effect, or don’t enjoy indica effects, though it’s mental effects are more OG or Sativa and Tripp’s than most pure indicas. Abrupt termination to high is a bummer.


I found G13 to be a rather mild indica without a lot of overwhelming effects. (There are so many sub-strains sold as G13 that I can't guarantee allare like this one though). I'm not a connesour of colors or tastes, but the buds were large and very loose with moderate odor, not easy to identify, and bright redish. I pulled it from my collection of samples, looking for something that would be relaxing, interesting, and above all let me get some sleep after a frustrating day. Most super-strong strains, even indicas, make me wired and sleepless or suppress REM sleep, which really messes me up the next day or two. My msin goal in experimenting with cannabis is spiritual, and identifying strains for friends who need compatible MMJ advice. So I need to be able to sense myself as clearly as the effects of the herb. So far the LSD/Trainwreck type strains with their giddy euphoria, psychedelic light shows, tinnitus, and electric tingles seem to be a step in the wrong direction for me, so it was ttime to try something new. G13 did pretty much what I wanted. I use a Solo vape on a cool (154C) setting and take small puffs over an hour or so, focusing on the onset, setting an intention, alternating inhales with shamanic drumming. Instead of the usual buzzing euphoria followed by stony or wired eneergy, there was pleasant relaxation, a quiet (but not stone-slow) mind, and room for me too. What a difference! Soon my familiar spiritual allies gathered instead of fleeing the bedlam, and a new one,joined them, clearly the one I'd needed to talk to. I asked for what I needed from this night, and it happened beyond expectations. A real breakthrough, finally! I always test a new strain for enhancement of sexual experience (since my first eye-opening experiences with Alien OG). I was clear-minded enough to try a few tantric exercises, and even though I have been studying for only a few days, I was able to have stacking multiple male orgasms as if I'd been practicing for months. This indica seems to resonate with tantra for some reason. Certainly it does seem to make a fine spiritual teacher, and for me what is experienced with the aid of cannabis is more easily reproduced using more "orthodox" means (meditation, drumming, breathwork, ecstatic dance, etc). And when it was over and time to sleep, another dozen inhales had me relaxing into a moderate bed-locking effect, and I fell asleep rather than passed out. Much better, and only the slighted fogginess when I got up, only 8 hours after my first puff. Just what I was looking for! I will continue searching for even better strains in this direction. Researching later, there is indeed a strong historical connection between indica landraces and tantra, While use of cannabis for meditation became regarded as "cheating" by later generations of gurus, cannabis was historically used as a spiritual herb at the same time as the development of tantric philosophies, and texts of that era make it clear that cannabis (by smoking or drinking bhang, a milk-based edible) was an integral part of education and ceremony, as it is even today in the Nepal/Ganges region. Perhaps some indicas were domesticated for exactly this purpose, as out present wealth of powerful strains were developed in the past 50 years.


A great sativa-type hybrid so far, closing in on the perfect strain for me. I really only get time for a vape session about 10pm, a few nights a week, and need to be functional and clear headed next morning, But I like those sativa head trips, so it’s a bit of a search for the perfect balance. For me, it was a slow onset then jumps suddenly up to moderately messed up, energy ok but not too high. Eventually waves of ecstatic euphoria growing increasingly intense as I take low-temp vape hits over an hour or so, just laying back and letting the orgasmic waves pass through me. After 16 or so deep inhales it got trippy as hell, time dilation, tingling (seems to mute touch senses so not a sex enhancer so far). One of the most massive psychedelic light shows I’ve encountered so far, goes on for hours. Sound is muted but triggers amazing visuals, especially meditative drumming. This merged into a few hours missing tranced out, and on waking a couple hours later blinking still causes some visuals. Not cotton-headed, draggy or wired, so sleep and work is possible afterwards. Not tired, went fir breakfast afterwards. What a tripod didn’t notice any huge decrease in inflammation pain, but a great distraction and a night well spent.