
member since 2018

Recent Reviews4 total

The Original Z

Spoiler (but not really): this strain's smell is, to be blunt ;) ...unbelievable. It seems as though a bouquet of fruit-scented flowers showed up in my hands yesterday, & I have no complaints, y'all. If this was a dream world, I'd probably have one of the few strains on hand at all times by Zkittlez. The taste is delicious, it's a multi-layered fruit taste comprised of berry, citrus, and sweetness. There's more to discover there for yourself I'd guess if you are someone vapes. The buds I got myself are fresh and dense giant nugs. I've read some say it's not a particularly pretty strain, but I guess personally the colors alone impress me with their beauty and contrast... a light, almost lime green orange with orange hairs and purple hues. This strain was named pretty damn brilliantly for all these reasons and more. As for the high, it's an indica-dominant that doesn't leave you couch-locked and yet does succeed in bringing physical relief while also not bogging down the brain too much. I feel fully functional when I use this medicine, as long as with any strain, I haven't crossed one toke over the line :) I was really run down when I smoked this yesterday late afternoon, and low and behold the jittery feeling I'd had all day from lack of sleep the night before melted away into a sense of loosely-held comfort, calm, & bliss mine for the enjoyment and relief. It eased general anxiety that had been accompanying me throughout the day as well. Yet not overbearingly, as I also felt uplifted, focused, a sense of openness, confident, empathetic, and peaceful. My worries melted away and my mood was elevated out of a mild depression into a happy, content, and present state of being. My overall pain level, which has been high these past few weeks due to a flare-up in my personal symptoms, was easily and evenly leveled out to more manageable. It gave me that space from the pain that I could breathe again and have other experiences, as well as be present for them, instead of consumed solely by the level of pain I'm in. Thank you, Zkittlez. I have much respect and gratitude for this medicine at large. While I've read other statements and feelings on this, I felt let down gently from the high. I was fairly tired by bed time, yes, but I'd also slept very little the night before as I mentioned, so this likely a sign in my opinion that the end of the high doesn't leave you feeling wiped. Therefore, this seems to be a good all-day strain if you pace yourself just a bit :) Further, speaking with a personal history, this medicine has been said to be good for eating disorders in some sources, as it gently increases appetite without crash-landing in your lap an overpowering case of the munchies, and I definitely have to agree. In fact, it's possibly the best strain for the purpose of addressing eating disorders that I've found, in my strong opinion, as it's in alignment of a healthy dose of appetite without overdoing it. I find myself in love with the effects of this particular medicine that I would suggest everyone try & try it at least once if presented with the opportunity. Taste the rainbow, if you can, y'all ;) You'll be glad you did.


Oh, Clementine... Pretty chill for being a sativa - not necessarily a bad thing. Primarily, this sativa's effects seem to channel into a strong, creative, and content focus. It's been wonderous for my ADHD - probably the best strain for it that I've found. Clementine does seem to energize overall stamina some, putting me almost immediately into momentum of getting shit done... and enjoying it quite a bit along the way. The smell of citrus with just a little bit of grass coming through floods the room upon unwrapping this gift. The taste is undoubtedly citrus-y, almost spot on to clementines, in my opinion... it also is strong enough to last a few hits & you not feel like *too much of* an asshole that you can't resist that first taste yourself before passing the bowl... or, that you won't be totally missing out when you do politely share first ;) Would definitely recommend this strain for those with ADHD and/or anyone in need of just some calm, centered energy for a productive day ahead. Great daytime strain all around.

Blue Dream

This strain is possibly my top of the top medicine. I struggle with C-PTSD, depression, anxiety, and chronic pain, and this strain addresses all them like magic. Upon inhale, that taste of blueberry peaking through some earthy/grassy tastes is delicious, and a welcome sign of what's to come. I feel it first behind my eyes and nose, then creeping up to calm my mind, while it then swiftly envelopes my body in a relaxed, peaceful state. I am able to focus quite well, so it seems to also address my ADHD. It's a quite clearheaded high for me, personally - mellow, creative, motivating, and mindful... I feel very present and at peace with this strain. Anytime of day would be a good time for this strain in my opinion ;) but it is one of my go-to daytime strains for treating both mental health and physical pain (inflammation/back pain, and even a bit of my neuropathy), Would recommend this strain to anyone. No wonder it's such a classic! :)


5/5 would recommend ;) I was (more than) pleasantly surprised by this strain. Talk about top-notch medicine :) For me, it's a fairly light high, as in high levels of functioning is still possible due to a clear head. In fact, this strain made me feel incredibly focused (eg. I had an amazing 2-hour conversation that I was more focused in and attentive to the other person and their emotions than I have been able to be present to do in some time.) I didn't notice a super strong tingly sense necessarily, but my chronic pain was not really an issue despite the time of night (my pain is worse at night) after smoking this. This strain is easy to get stuff done on, too. I see why it is a fabulous day time medication. For me, I'd go with afternoon into evening on this, as it does come down eventually in a super relaxing place ideal for sleep. No major issues with dry eyes or dry mouth. No anxiety for me either, something I can be prone to with some strains. Smells delicious, tastes delicious, and nice dense buds. Easy, balanced, effective high. If you have the chance to experience this strain, you shouldn't be disappointed.