
member since 2017

Recent Reviews12 total

Super Lemon Haze

I like this strain, it hits me fast and hard. More so than most of the other sativas I've used, and most of the time I use with a vaporizer. It does have a lemon-ish expression, not too strong upon inhale, no coughing ever, a bit less along the lines of dry mouth/eyes for me anyway. I tend to get less than average munchies with this strain. It works as expected for chronic pain, very well! I can also stay more mentally on cue with this, for instance I like to read while on this strain and find myself drawn deeper into the story or article, to the point where I feel like I'm personally involved in it. I also find that I notice and ask more questions while I'm reading, a meditative effect, which helps me to take more away from it. Another thing I really like is, since this seems to hit me so fast, I tend to use less of it at a time, as it's great to have more for later. Also, I have strong anxiety and have struggled with panic attacks, and this has never triggered any paranoia, etc. in me, in fact it's quite the opposite effect: that wonderful combination of stimulation and relaxation that occur simultaneously while enjoying this and other very good Sativas. Highly recommended, enjoy!


Now I would call this strain Caboose, with my experience with it. I've used this (vaporized) dozens of times over the past 1-2 months, and it never fails...I wait and wait for it, it creeps up on me , the tantalizing little tease that it is, and the sensation of everything in and around me becomes crisper and more pronounced. The buildup continues like that until I finally get the happy high/stone combination that I am looking for. It's fairly mellow on intake, and I detect a mostly earthy taste/smell. I don't feel especially energized, I'd say it's more relaxing than anything else. Can be a great couchlock weed when that's what I want. I don't give it 5 stars because the "happy" part of the high doesn't last as long as I wish it did, but oh well, not a favorite but quite nice for recreational and medicinal use.


I've used this probably a couple dozen times (vaporized) over the past month or two, and although it's not a favorite, I like it and can't say anything bad about it. It's rare that I get super baked with this one, even if I try, so that generally is not my goal with the Thai. The taste with my Pax 2 is earthy/dirty, tangy, and foresty; I don't care much for the taste but at least it's not harsh upon intake. I do experience more of an upbeat and mentally energetic affect from this, more of a head high than a body stone. It does well enough with controlling symptoms of pain and nausea which I have daily. I tend to be a bit more thoughtful and talkative with this, but not in a silly way as I do with some indicas and hybrids. It's more of a regular everyday type of strain that I could effectively function with, but also help with relaxation when the time comes. Also it doesn't have the tendency to depress me like some others seem to. I'll continue to use this and maybe purchase again someday.

Thelonious Skunk

This strain is nice, nice, nice, all the way around. Gentle on the intake, and I never cough or get an irritated throat from using this strain. I admit I decided to first try it because of the name and I associated it with an artsy, creative feeling at first. Fortunately it's also better than most seeming sativa-dominant strains for me with the pain relief. Wonderful as an antidepressant too, in fact I find myself giggling at the most stupid and mundane things when I'm outside in the yard for instance; even the damn squirrels are fun to watch when I use this. This strain does not ramp up my anxiety either, and I can take life much less seriously so I can stop dwelling on all of the stuff that bothers me like the awful injustices of the world, etc. OK, enough of that. I think the aroma and taste are more gentle than others I've been using lately; it's not overtly sweet, fruity, earthy or skunky, just a nicely mixed balance of these and other things. I get a bit less of the dry mouth than with most other strains I use. Also my eyelids don't get all puffed up on one side only when I get good and lit, which often happens with others (definitely not a good look for me; I am not a pretty stoner, heehee.) Dancing to whatever freaking music happens to come up is fun with this, because my body loosens up and I become this supple dancer; I realize my hidden skills as my own personal choreographer. Then I look at the mirror across the room and see myself dancing, and I laugh as hard AF because of how funny I look. Then I take another vape and try again.

Blue Dream

I've always known I was a weirdo, and how I respond to this strain proves it. I should know by now that if it works great for what seems to be the great majority of people, based on all of these stellar reviews, that it would not work well for me. This is the only strain I've used (I've used it multiple times now) where I've actually felt worse after I've used it than before. I've got a significant migraine today and while definitely high, there's been very little moderation of the pain and nausea. That made me very depressed so I've spent most of the day in the bathroom crying. To try to counter this I am following up with another strain that I hope will be more helpful. I can't speak for anyone else and am glad for all of the people that are finding relief with this strain, I just wish I could say the same for myself.


Full body smile. That's the easiest and best way I would describe this strain. My face has a smile on it too; this is a wonderful calm down and feel good strain. I take about 6-7 hits of this from a vape pen and everything is comfortable, whatever is coming, I've got this. Or if I don't I guess I don't much give a crap, so whatever, haha. I'll miss this when it's gone and will buy more when I have the chance.


This strain is in my current top 3 as a chronic medical user, and for me it's great in a low to moderate amount. I do enjoy the high with this when it's not too intense. Right now I am appreciating the effects of it following surgery I just had yesterday. My doc wrote me a prescription for Norco and I thought "I won't be needing that," my AK 47 has been doing nicely. So I am laying around the house recovering today enjoying the company of my three cats, having just watched an animated kids' movie on Netflix and thinking about how it must be different (easier?) to be a writer of a kids' cartoon movie than a regular show: you don't go into it expecting it to make sense in real life, so you can just go with the absurdity of it all and have fun with it. Otherwise this strain gets me into finding mistakes or oddities in shows that I would not pick up on when I wasn't using. It's a relaxing, ever-so-slightly energizing high. I use it in a Pax 2 vaporizer with the setting on 2, and I take about half a dozen good hits off of it to get a nice pleasant high, nearly complete pain relief, no more nausea, and a better place to have my brain mentally/emotionally than wrapped up in all of the medical stuff I've had going on over the past year. I'll definitely have to get more of this once I've run out.


Living with chronic illness, it feels great to not just feel better, but actually feel good. Or at least what "good" has become for me nowadays. I don't have to use very much of this Flo to feel good, like I do right now. It's around 5 AM and with it having been one of those nights I didn't sleep well due to extreme discomfort, I got up and did my usual "wake and bake." What I really like about Flo is that I feel great after taking a few hits of it off of my Pax 2, and then thinking "Wow, that was nice, I think I'm done for a while." One of the few strains where I don't have to get pretty damn high to feel genuinely good. I also thereby do not get the paranoia that tends to come along for me with most other sativa-dominant strains where I start commiserating about how shitty my life has become and have an all-out weep fest. Nope, not with this strain, thankfully, as that's been happening far too often lately with other strains. It's nice to get a break from the paranoia I get from some others: I mean, the other day I got good and ripped off of another strain, and I was freaking out over that episode of Planet Earth II with up-close male komodo dragons fighting with each other and eating their prey! It was about the worst horror movie I'd ever seen. Now with this Flo, I think I could watch them and find at least something to laugh at.

Grape Stomper

Heavily under the influence of this strain at the moment. I'm looking at my 150-gallon freshwater aquarium, thinking of how pissed off my angel fish look because I haven't fed them yet this morning. Angel fish are the most consistently pissed-off aquarium fish I've ever had. This strain is almost perfect for me, as it is so multi-purpose. I get the pain relief I need, it stops the nausea, calms me down and can pick me up at the same time. It's hard to describe feeling alert/energetic, yet completely relaxed at the same time, but that is what I get from this strain. I can get up and get work done out in the yard, or catch a nice nap if I need to. Other fun things that accompany this strain are a calm/cool sensation in my nasal passages after I've vaped for a while; colors seem brighter, deeper and wider; sense of smell is pronounced, such as putting on a nice perfume and being able to better discern/appreciate the individual notes in the perfume; paying more attention to music and noticing things about it that you haven't before. I find it almost impossible to become depressed with this strain (I've been using it hundreds of times over the past year) and at the same time it never provokes paranoia or anxiety. It has been on the gentler side on the throat while vaping in comparison to most others. It is not a heavy skunky weed, it is more gentle with a slight "grapey" smell/taste. One more thing I could add, I seem to get less with the dry mouth/eyes with this strain than I do with several others. Definitely try this strain if you haven't already!

Grape Stomper

I've used about 10 different strains by now, and so far this is my favorite. I love the creative energetic high I get from this. It is strong and I admit, fun to vape more than I need to for pain relief. I love to recline in my porch in the summer with this with the windows open and listen to all of the birds singing together. There are about six different birds screeching in trees up and down the streets, but I find myself focusing on one in particular and becoming fascinated with that particular bird call. Then I watch a movie and pay more attention to the music track behind all of the action, then go and try to write music similar to that that I just heard. I have bad fibro and I was able to clean the old briers out of my raspberry patch this summer when using this strain. I felt like a professional landscaper, at least for a while.