
member since 2018

Recent Reviews2 total

Sour Diesel

I’ve tried it a few times and really enjoyed it but it’s easily the strongest sativa I’ve ever had. Did feel incredibly nautious at points which is never a good thing. This is not recommended for the faint of heart but anyone suffering from depression or desiring a booster definitely should give it a look. Hugely energetic and fun strain.

Northern Lights

I will start this review off by stating that I’m not the most experienced stoner. For years I smoked without knowing what indica or sativa was or the difference between Bush weed and hydro. I couldn’t have told you why some strains had nicknames and some didnt. This year I’ve been learning a lot more and while I have smoked cross breeds of indica and sativa before, I finally got to engage in my first entirely indica experience. It was a huge surprise but it also terrific. Normally I’m very talkative and silly while high. Even when I’ve smoked predominately indica strains, the little bit of sativa in there balanced it out and gave the energy I craved. Even when I had smoked a crossbred of this very strain (Northern Lights) with the sativa strain Purple Haze, I felt this energy. Yet just on Northern Lights by itself, I felt glued to the chair. When I stood up I was dizzy and felt like I was going to fall over. It was pure relaxation mixed with sheer intensity. As opposed to feel excited and euphoric I just felt like my state of mind was radically altered. I felt calm but that my mind was racing. I went to sleep, woke up and sat in the back of my friend’s car on the way to another friend’s house as I continued to fall in and out of sleep. We arrived at our friend’s place, and smoked some more then decided to order a pizza. I fell asleep and woke up the next morning with a slightly fuzzy head but a great attitude. I don’t remember much about the experience beyond that. It almost feels like it was a decade ago. It’s just such a blur. Without a doubt one of the best strains I’ve ever had.