Greenwerkz Edgewater
It's a nice place, great prices, and the flower is actually a deal if you pick the right strains, but the overall knowledge of the strains confuses me, maybe it's cause they are a new store or cause Greenwerkz is turning into Green Dragon & along with expanding they are hiring new people. At least the prices rock and the people are cool. They have good taste in music too\m/ Although, they either need more strains to choose from, or more data on the strains they have. I'd reccomend lab testing if you only have 2 strains available on a Saturday night. Either way I will always shop Green Dragon. Also if ANYONE reading this visits a place and sees the Green Dragon Cold Ethanol extract Oil syringe called :Gold Green Dragon Oil - Romulan, no additives, BUY IT, it's incredible. No matter how you use it! 74.5% THC. 100% Hash Oil. Though hard to find and I've been to every store around here and I got it 4 months ago. Hope this helps, worth a check, cheap eighths and edibles, usually deals happening.