Get suuuper relaxed and euphoric everything I eat or drink tastes delicious colors are beautiful no back pain no anxiety no ptsd symptoms it’s so great!
10 out of 10 stars absolutely amazing. Loved it. Immediate relaxation and euphoria just felt an overall state of happiness couldn’t stop smiling back pain at a zero anxiety at a zero definitely will be looking out for this strain!
SUUUPER strong!!! go slow and easy on this one lmao gets you chilled out relaxed spacey and me personally feral h@rny 💀 had a bunch of my best Os on this strain 1000/10 do recommend but use a little at a time it’s STRONG pain relief ptsd relief and anti anxiety for sure also stinky cheesy w gasoline yuck haha but it works
Copper State Farm rosin cart is really good improved my mood no ptsd symptoms and zapped my back pain! Cleaned the whole house made cookies and Alfredo etc really great for listening to music
AMAZING omg I smoked half a bowl and went to the moon for 3 hours I enjoyed watching tv and cuddling my daughter and then peaceful drifted off to sleep. No pain. No anxiety. Just happy and relaxed
Wonderful experience with copperstate farms cold pressed live resin whatever it is little vape it’s AWESOME I’ve had great success reducing pain and stress
It was so delicious and smoked like a dream butttt that shit made me anxious I took my blood pressure for an hour straight because I was convinced I was secretly having a heart attack (my blood pressure was perfect lmao)