really fun strain. for a sativa, it was actually a pretty good body high. I was really sensitive and interested in temperatures, like the hot shower felt really good and it's cold air conditioning felt really good. I got kind of anxiously curious about the expansiveness of human Origins and diversity. Really focused in on it, but a little like worked up and concerned about it. Overall french fries we're good, could have done for some M & M's. was really sensitive to touch and feel on the skin overall. Felt sort of aroused and cuddly.
I asked for an Indica that didn't give me the munchies. This is not that indica. but the munchies weren't too bad. it went really well with listening to music, Natasha kmeto worked really well for me. also Billy Idol. it's like I could see the Angles and motion of the music in the air and how it directed me to move my body to dance. really nice body and cerebral combo High. I also considered for a while the concept and reality of the entire human history and experience and how so many people basically don't live on the same Planet as other people. Their experience is so different they can't even conceive of the other experience in terms of primitivism versus urban life and how they have coexisted but it seems so insane that we're the same species.vyou know, small stuff.
Bitter at first, then mellows to a citrusy tang. Really creative and ambitious. I wrote some solid poems/stand-up bits. followed by reflective movie analysis and ice cream and olives cravings. many Revelations, feeling elated, confident, and capable. It's appealing to reveale how parrallel universes are similar. Then feel like you have a strong, cohesive yet all encompassing understanding of time. Encouraging head high.
comes on slow and easy going down but dry it first. close your eyes, turn on some Marina Raye, and go for a ride. Blues purples and pinks. Like watching fireworks, but better.
Not crazy about this one. It was a great time in intimate social situations. Really sucked when alone. It was fairly energizing and creative for me. Kept my mind buzzing. Without outside stimulations, I became a little spastic.Before eventually knocking me into mindless relaxation, for better and for worse. Kinda felt brain dead a few times.
Great, versatile strain. Perfect for a well-rounded high in social situations. Had a great winter camping trip with some great old friends and this. Told some secrets on this one. Never too much or too little. Uplifting and slightly energizing before fading into a relaxed mild euphoria.