
member since 2019

Recent Reviews3 total

Cherry AK-47

This is a very "safe" strain. I wouldn't really say any of its effects are especially significant. That being said, you're likely to have a good time with this! It's certainly relaxing, and kind of lowers inhibitions but not in a zany drinking kind of way. More like you're completely going with the flow. Everything just rolls off of you. I want to say it's a decent party strain, however it does make you a liiittle bit sleepy. I felt virtually no potential for paranoia or anxiety. It's a 3/5 in terms of munchies. I know others seem to report decent euphoria, but frankly I thought it was a bit lacking. I actually picked it up because of those reviews, but I only ever felt like I was chasing the dragon. That all being said, this is great for someone who just wants to relax without feeling toooo sleepy.

Dream Lotus

I honestly would probably give this 2 stars, but I acknowledge that some of the effects it has are probably more up other people's alleys than what I'm looking for. I picked this up because of the description making it sound like Blue Dream. I've never had Blue Dream and still hope to some day, but I highly doubt this is very similar. This strain is pretty low in THC. I felt like I could smoke and smoke it and all that happened was I'd get more and more tired. Every time I smoked I tried to look for any particular effect, but I only ever just felt generically high. But little else. To be fair, I will say it gives a pretty solid creativity boost. I'm a musical guy and haven't written music in a long while, but I kept getting these musical themes and ideas in my head and would try to follow them to their conclusion. That was a pretty cool effect, I will say. Too bad I didn't write anything out! A stoner, indeed. I guess an upside due to it being so mild is that there is very low potential for paranoia or anxiety. In terms of munchies, I'd say it's like a 3/5. I will say this is one of the better smelling strains I've had. It smelled like laundry detergent, which to me is a good thing! I'm generally not a depressed or down kind of guy, but I did have one night where I felt like everything rained down on me suddenly (while high, of course). I split this strain with a friend, and weeks after we had both finished it we were talking about how we felt about the strain and he reported he had almost the same experience. That's about all there is to say about this strain. I'd only really recommend picking it up if you have writer's block or are looking to get into some sort of creative task.

Longbottom Leaf

Hopefully this is the same stuff I had, which was labeled "Shire". If so, ohhh man...if this stuff is available near you, GET IT! Definitely the best I've had so far. Admittedly I've only recently had the ability to get specific strains, but this one knocks it out of the park. VERY heavy euphoria, but not in a not-able-to-move kind of way. Don't get me wrong--you could definitely just sit there and feel the full effects of it while staring into space, but the sativa influence gives a bit of giddiness that keeps you somewhat energized so you don't feel completely incapacitated by it. Mentally it has kind of an effect reminiscent of having a few drinks. Giddy really is the best word for it and your inhibitions are lowered. A great party weed. In terms of potency, it is quite strong so maybe start with a slightly lower dose at first to get a feel for it. Sorry to get PG13 real quick, but I gotta say it definitely enhances libido quite a bit. Maybe that's great news, but if not then fair warning! As for munchies, I'd say it's like 4/5. Onto the few (mild) negatives: If you end up smoking a large-ish amount then it does have a bit of a crash afterwards. Only tiredness, though--no headache or anything. You just feel ready for bed. Also I will say there's some potential for paranoia or anxiety. Again, just start small and work your way up. You'll have a great time!