
member since 2019

Recent Reviews2 total


Rata-Tat-Tat. All Rifles Matter! Do not fear this strain for it is not a menace. Come hither, embrace, & envelope this heady hybrid. Closer to a sativa with the headiness that ensues, it hits within 3 minutes and makes u feel like you had a list of To-Do's today that you must get done, however you need not write anything down bc this beast of a brain (with help from AK) has it all organized and filed away in chronological synchronicity. need to take care of errands - try this strain. need to create a list of errands to take care of try this strain. need to wind down for bedtime..maybe skip this strain. enjoy. the Phenomenon has begun

White Buffalo

Oh great White Buffalo, how you have eluded me my whole life and to finally have a chance to sample this beast and i had to go back for more, don't pass the chance to try this rare strain if you're a sativa lover. if u get paranoid easy you might start very slow with this one. it is very racy and heady, very much in your sinuses and forehead. i fully appreciate the energizing buzz and the come down is lovely very mellow an non eventful. keep White Buffalo in your stash jar with your morning cup of joe (or tea) enjoy the whirlwind of ideas for inventions that will flood your frontal lobe. Enjoy! the Phenomenon has begun.