
member since 2017

Recent Reviews2 total

Sour Diesel

I'm writing a second review on Sour D to clarify a few things. The majority LOVE this strain, and for good reason. When I read the reviews of those who didn't, while recognizing we're all different, I cannot help but think they were smoking something else, as unless you have a truly trustworthy source, or grow your own, it's important to remember "you don't always get what you pay for," and since this strain is highly sought after, there will always be those dishonest idiots who offer you something that isn't at all what they say. While a seasoned Sour D smoker knows the product too well to be fooled, the same can't be said for others. If you've had a bad experience with Sour D, or one that was less than amazing, try again. Also, I read reviews where people say they smoked a gram in one sesh and hated it, and I think "a GRAM?!" My God, that's like saying you ate an entire cheesecake by yourself and couldn't understand why you felt sick to your stomach. Small bites, my friends. It's all you need to enjoy the slice of Heaven that Sour D truly is.

Sour Diesel

I don't even know how to put Sour D to words. It's absolutely the best strain out there. It's important to know the power of the D, and to respect it, as my friend and I often say when vaping it, just in case one of us is tempted to overdo it. There's no need to, which also makes it great because the small amount you vape results in an ounce of it lasting a longer duration than your average weed. It hits you like a ton of bricks, only the bricks are like heavy pillows, and you sink right into life, comfortably engaging in conversation about anything and everything. The magic is, no matter what the topic, you feel consistently. amazing. You can be talking about the most serious topic ever, whatever that is to you, and it's fine. No tears, no fear, just embracing the euphoria and engaging with your friends in the most open, honest, real way possible. It brings out the philosopher in you, the creator, the best friend, the lover of everything, and you accept everything in life just the way it is. It's dreamy. It's like truth serum, and you're happy telling the absolute truth about your thoughts and feelings about the entire world and all it comprises, while enjoying listening to your friends do the same. Vape a couple of hits and give it a couple of minutes before going back for more. The high lasts for a couple hours, at least, and if you then take a couple more hits, you're golden again. It's like unicorn weed, with the rainbows, flying horse and everything. You'll see.