
member since 2017

Recent Reviews3 total


Also, another thing I noticed is that when I work out in the gym, I feel no pain. So I would keep working without knowing I am over exerting myself. It did raise my blood pressure pretty high. So I would definitely be careful of the dose.


It does help with ADD. Even the next day had an effect on me and I didn't even have to smoke it. I was extremely present and focused. It was a little foreign because I never experienced being that present and focused ever. So there was a case where it felt a little overwhelming because of how different it was. It was as if I was sculpted into a brand new person. It was really helpful.

Durban Poison

So the first time I tried it I couldn't control the energy. I had so much energy that my muscles would bulk up in stiffness. I've even notice that I got paranoid which created anxiety. So what I did was limit my amounts of Inhalation and mixed a tiny bit of bubba to help mellow things out. I was able to do normal activities. I've worked out like I've never worked out before. It's like I'm a trainer with years of experience... when I rarely even exercise. It does keep me very focused on one thing at a time. Which is good because I have really bad ADD. But if it's your first time, I would be careful with it. Take it slow. Don't be like me and smoke it like hookah.