
member since 2018

Recent Reviews1 total

Granddaddy Purple

Review of Granddaddy purple. I was super excited after reading the top review by hellokitty to try this strain. I was thinking I was going on a trip in my mind without leaving my bed. That did not happen. Here is what I learned. Pros, I felt amazing. Not like I went on a trip but overall very very relaxed. Unlike hellokitty's review, I could move, I wasn't lazy feeling and I didn't Meld into my bed. For me, I need the food cravings. I don't eat a lot. Not because I don't want to. I just don't. When I get "munchies" I eat a lot. The food doesn't hurt my stomach when I am high. So I had the energy to get up and eat. Unlike helokitty in the funny review. They were hungry but couldn't get up. I had more than enough ability to do that. Now, when the high set in I started watching the movie, Get him to the greek. My all-time favorite comedy ever. I have always wanted to watch it stoned. I got that chance and laughed just as much as I did the first time I saw it. My first inhales were two small puffs. I was worried based off said review only taking one and being done. So I was careful. I felt different but nowhere near high as they said after twenty minutes. So I took more hits. I never fell asleep, as I said. I did feel amazingly relaxed, and calm, and giggly while the movie played. As a last ditch effort to fall asleep, I ate a brownie bite, took one last hit and went to bed. I was awake three-ish hours later, only this time with a headache. The kind when you have a hangover. I wasn't a happy camper about it. I am not sure if it is related to coming off the high of this new strain, or not. I will try it again tonight just to see. So there you have it. I was hoping to tell you all this amazing story of how I had an amazing adventure and went on this courageous quest and saved a lot of innocent lives or something crazy while never actually leaving my bed. (Sounds like a great high huh?) Alas, I didn't experience any of that. Only that I felt good. I am not a day smoker. I reserve getting high for at night and after my kids are in bed. This was to help me sleep. Needless to say not for me, this is a strain If I had to, (I have bad anxiety at times) I could do around my kids, without that fear that I won't be able to function if they need me. (By the way, I had used a vape pen. So the way I ingested it was an oil cartridge. Not sure if that makes a huge difference)