
member since 2021

Recent Reviews8 total


This stain forces you to process trauma in a healthy way, You WILL cry. If you haven’t cried smoking this strain of marijuana it’s safe to assume you didn’t smoke the right amount(for you). The high that I got from this strain is insanely levelheaded. I feel like I’m in a euphoric strong headspace (lol) and feel a bit more confident- I have the ability to workout, move, drive, and smoke a bit before work to set the mood(todays a good day)..but once the high is almost over man oh man here come the water works. I feel it overstimulates me to come down off this strain as it’s overly relaxing. I suffer from PTSD, panic disorder, and chronic pain. Which with all of those combined typically leaves me naturally tense (just not b**chy) I feel human, this strain is almost therapeutic to experience. To my surprise it also smelled like my childhood. I did grow up in an area where people openly consumed cannabis in the community (lmaoooo) and we all know each strain has a different smell when you exhale the smoke. It made me feel comfort for a moment in time, it has helped me process a lot of the trauma I experienced in foster care. Can I personally give a handshake to the individual who created this strain? To process things my brain has subconsciously stuffed away without forcing a therapist to listen to me has been so healing. YEARS of EMDR has not helped me mentally process what this strain has done for me in ONE WEEK. I’m so personally happy with this strain but like I said the unhigh is soooo stressful to comedown from, it’s not an even process I will say that. I am almost instantly high after completing a bowl of this strain but the intense drop for me personally drops me back into reality far too quick for comfort thankfully you can babysit this strain 😊- If I had to describe exactly one feeling that I got from the actual high strain, personally. I felt like a healthy adult. I’ve never been able to say those words. Every strain has their things, though the end of the high this strain offers is an actual MENTAL BREAKTHROUGH -I thankfully have a supportive partner who has been helpful and supportive during these RANDOM crying episodes after smoking (LOL AGAIN I CANT BELIEVE IM CRYING OVER WEED)


Call this a lung obliterating strain doesn’t matter how used to that bong you think you are this will leave you coughing 😂but you’ll be chillin so you won’t even care, if you have some friends with you you’ll all be laughing at each other coughing too much to care that you’re all actually coughing, recommended to me for a head high, yes yes yes. I am smiling like a goofball writing this review. This is my 2nd time smoking the strain and I suffer from PTSD and depression, this strain really gives me the pick me up I need, but I do feel a bit exhausted after which is different from most Sativas I smoke, so I would consider this a relax and chill w friends strain. Not relax and run errands lol-

Durban Poison

I mean I would say the cotton mouth and dry eyes is AWFUL- but for the severe allergy sufferer (such as myself) it’s been working as almost the perfect antihistamine. My brother agrees. Makes me feel nostalgic, noticed I feel more interest in my hobbies and being mindful when I smoke this. Definitely a vibe strain, but it doesn’t make you feel tired it just makes you feel whole. It’s weird. I’ve had a few panic attacks, so I only need a couple bowls and this strain has me feeling good for 2-3 hours.

Story Cannabis - Grand Glendale

They have some SUPER good deals on their own flower which are usually great. great deals on shatter as well. The location is awful (as in the actual GEOGRAPHICAL location) I mean their deals are so good it really makes it worth the headache of the location I wish they would’ve moved it up around 75th and Peoria but either way. Decent staff, neutral interactions as far as personalized experience at this location. You can use your debit card and they have ATM’s they probably have the smallest selection out of most dispensaries but I’m not mad about it it’s good stuff lol.

Arizona Cannabis Society

I shop here regularly very good deals!! A good majority of the staff members are very pleasant and welcoming-there is always that one employee that makes you feel the need to wash your hands after you leave- I don’t see them that often so it’s not that big of an issue lol. I’ve gotten some dry garb before from here but I’ve also gotten some high quality 🔥so I mean ofc if u know ur cultivators and know what to get the deals are absolutely unbeatable!!

Lemon Brulee

Feels good. No paranoia (thankfully) was able to function at work while🍃

Prom Queen

I really really like the vibe, I’m not over stimulated, I feel relaxed- definitely a more positive and uplifting mentality (currently)