
member since 2014

Recent Reviews1 total

Dream Queen

From a 3 foot bag of 1/2 gram in the vaporizer; listed are each temperature a bag was pulled: 370 degrees – Mellow vapor; not thick, pine and cheese smells (good ones). 380 degrees – Thicker vapor, sip it instead of gulping, you will choke if new to this. Some minor pine smells left. This will hit you, be ready for a 4 (out of ten) if one person (for three people, this will get you all a good buzz, so the super sticky sample I received is starting to pay off, and early too). 390 – Choke hazard, even for experienced folks. Be ready for a 6 if alone, probably a 3 or 4 if three people (this is mellow, but wants to pull you away from what you're doing and think about dwarfs and physics problems like what the 4th dimension would look like). There is also pain relief, but the major action seems to be cerebral. 400 – This is very thick. Be ready for a solid 7 if alone, probably a 4 or 5 if three people (this is now hitting like a wet blanket – it just wants to put you to sleep, go find a nice comfortable place, because you are going to have some awesome dreams). 410 – This is starting to change in consistency; less mass, but still hits you hard. Now you're just high. A single user needs to stop at this point. Three people would probably be well toasted. 420 – Hitting again after a four-hour break. Took care of some things in the house, let the displacement wear off (about an hour), went to the gym, and then returned home and now medicating for pain (everywhere, but most especially in shoulders, neck, lower back, and legs). After half a bag, both the pain itself and the concern for the pain are fading. Lungs and throat are very sensitive after 2 hours of intense cardio (85%+ heart rate), but the vapor is not harsh if sipped instead of gulped. Also drinking water and coffee. Finished bag, 433 – Where you find out if you paid too much. The vapor is now nearly invisible, but is still smooth (no “burnt popcorn” that some people complain about). Even someone with large lungs can pull a full drag and not worry about coughing (which is a blessing and curse – this will sneak up on you). Not the same power as when fresh, but still delivering. 433 x2 – A little more harsh on the tongue, but still able to pull full lungs. There is a bit left in this, but it's probably getting thin by now. 433 x3 – Tried to run another bag, got nothing but air; when dumping the tumbler the weed that was formerly sticking to itself (and anything else) fell into the trash like dry coffee grounds, almost powder is basically all that's left over. Overall I'm impressed with this strain and recommend those looking for pain relief and the ability to put yourself to sleep (or enjoy it gradually, as shown above) give it a try.