member since 2018Recent Reviews3 total
A pretty solid strain for a balanced strain. I've purchased it under the Solei Balance brand and typically find this one to come in a 2:1 ratio of CBD:THC.
Flavour: Through vaping, I find the overall flavour profile to evolve down a nice path, generally starting with a little earthy citrus. As I got further into my session, I found the flavour to evolve more into a fall leaves character before settling into a more tobacco like profile to finish.
Feeling: Being lighter on the THC, I found that there was a nice uplifting feeling, and was a little more talkative than usual. This one also has a tendency to cause the giggles. In general, I was quite happy during my high. Negativity in my environment didn't really affect me much and I found TV shows to be more enjoyable. Quite relaxing, but not a heavy hitter. I think the CBD plays more of a factor in the relaxing side to this strain. Far from couch lock, but one to just generally feel good about your day.
Overall: It is a pretty solid strain. While flavour profile is nice, there are other strains I'd lean towards if the flavour is my mood, such as Tangerine Dream. It is a nice high. A decent one for both social and non-social environments.
Purchased as Edison Rio Bravo, I was extremely impressed with this strain. It was actually one of the more memorable strains I've had a chance to try. I had almost no body high, but the strain was very cerebral. Was vaping this on a walk down Banff Ave. I found that while I was walking as I got more lit, it was extremely easy to focus on the mundane, but it was also fascinating at the same time. Why am I staring at those bright white no-parking signs at 1:30am? I don't know, but they stood out.
Conversations were great and impassioned. I found that during conversation, I was able to let my brain run on autopilot with a side topic while I was able to think about what I was originally talking about. It was just a super clean head high.
Flavour profile was quite excellent. I would probably say that it was more of an earthy mint. During my vape session, the flavour profile really stuck through. I was able to enjoy it for quite a bit before the flavour quality began to drop off.
Needless to say, this is going to be one of those few, but growing strains in my collection that will be a staple.