Delightful CBD experience. Really helped in recovering from the stomach flu. Would recommend for those wanting to mitigate their THC usage and anyone wanting a relaxing effect without the high.
Absolutely delightful strain. I was surprised to see it was more indica leaning given how awake and happy I feel. One of the strains that make my guitar playing sound better. 9/10
I had one bong hit of this. Just realized I’ve been watching my thoughts play out on the back of my closed eyelids in silence for 10 minutes. Feels gently psychedelic. Definitely a nighttime/super chill vibe
So delightful that I stopped what I was doing after the first puff and looked it up. Earthier chocolate taste with a hint of fruitiness (cantaloupe?). Great strain to aid in coming down after working out/working at all.
Yo this shit turned me into Alanis Morissette and I don’t know how to you already won me over in spite of me and don’t be surprised if I fall head over feet
Picked up the flower version to calm the effects of an earlier panic attack. This eases the nerves really well and helps slow down the anxious mind. I’ve been able to take the deepest breaths I’ve had all day thanks to this.
Used this strain with some a CBD afghan skunk to break a 10 day t break. Absolutely delightful and true to the effects mentioned (tingly, relaxed, euphoric). Grooving to some awesome vaporwave. 10/10 for a relaxing evening melting into the couch
I’d say this is a great daytime high if I closely moderate how much I take. Able to be functional yet relaxed. Brings me into my body in a good way. Head feels quieter so to speak. All in all, good functional high but I can’t wait to try it when I have nothing else to do.
A friend gave me a few nugs a few days ago and I am in love. This is a great daytime strain. It elevates my mood, keeps some of those depressive thoughts away,and actually gets me ready to workout. A dab will do me in so I’d recommend mixing this with some CBD.