
member since 2021

Recent Reviews1 total


This was top shelf where we bought it to try it out. We paid $70 for an 8th, figuring the $15 extra was the cost of saving us a drive all the way into L.A. where it sells for $55. It's definitely a great high. Very focused and clean. Be careful as it is a creeper. About 15 minutes in, it will intensify again for like 20 minutes. In all ways the flower, the smoke, the scent and the high are a 5 star. Reminds me of a high from some premium Sour D or J1. The loss of a star is due to the fact that it makes you super cranky after it wears off. Same effect across 3 regular users, so I think it is safe to say the 8th we got results in a very cranky hangover. Could be they didn't flush the plant long enough with clean water before harvesting the flower, we don't know. For that reason I won't buy it again. I would try it again in a year if it was free, to see if they sorted that issue out.