Jacky White
OMG this is THE ADHD suppressor strain!! I tried a Jack White distillate from the company Matter in Maryland. Turns out this thing is rare as an unicorn. But I was able to get my hands on it. I'm a conneseur and I have tried mannnnyyyy strains. However apart from a strain called Clifford (which has ceased to exist in MD) this is the only other strain that has ever made me feel "normal". Like my ADHD brain is gone and my real regular brain activates. It's not even crazy with the high as it's a saliva so it's more celebral, but that cerebral high is something else and puts you in the zone for an hour or two. Sadly it only comes as a 0.5g and there is no bud of this to be found near me so it finished quickly. If you however ever have a chance to try this strain or any Matter carts or strains go for it as their carts are amazing.