
member since 2018

Recent Reviews9 total

Tangerine Haze

Wonderful! It really puts me in a good mood, or if I already am in one, in an even better mood. I love how this can get me to do anything, whether it's stuff I need to get done, or just leisurely activities. Makes my head buzz with wonder. It's also my favorite-tasting weed ever. Both its immediate and aftertaste make my tongue giggle. It also makes any kind of music sound 1000x better. Kero Kero Bonito? Sleep? Car Seat Headrest? Pig Destroyer? All even better. And even really terrible music can be tolerable. The only major downside is that it hasn't helped with my headaches at all. If I have a particularly awful headache and I take this, it could make it even worse (as I've learned through mistake once). Be careful smoking this if you do have a headache.

Flo OG

Really nice for my head and body pain, as well as being good when I need to fall asleep as well despite being a regular hybrid. Helps with when I need to do tasks that I feel depressed to do, like shower or write (for two examples). It hits real hard real fast in all of my experiences, which may or may not be a plus depending on your tastes. Stays a while too :3c


Really nice and relaxing. Works for any part of the day, but it's been especially nice for the evening. It makes me wanna clean my room? Not particularly into the aftertaste, and it makes me feel like im straining my eyes, but that's not a particular issue most of the time. Grindcore sounds nice on this, and it lets me enjoy comedic anime easier.

Bruce Banner

Of all the sativas I've had, this might be my favorite. While most sativas overwhelm my head easily without ideal circumstances, I can smoke this whenever (even night) and feel really nice and at peace. Great to handle my nausea, and it doesn't make me feel real hungry like other strains can; just enough to help me eat. Also inspires me to write (hence a review, heh). I do have to be a little bit careful if I become somewhat active around the house, since it can make me dizzy. Even with that, this is a strain I adore and will continue to seek out in the future.

Moonshine Haze

Tastes and feels great as hell. On top of that it kicks in so quick that I don't have much time to react. About maybe 30 seconds max before it slams into me. It feels like it lasts for ages because of that too. For the first hour to hour and a half it feels real psychedelic and makes it easy to do things or even be active. And then over the next few hours it relaxes and lets me feel even more stress-free and better, especially with stuff where I need to talk to people. If you smoke too much it doesn't absolutely wreck you (and if it does, even then maybe for only ten minutes at most in my experience). Even though I vastly prefer and need indicas, this is one of, if not my favorite sativa(s) ever.

Ghost Train Haze

Had half a joint, and even for the tolerance I have, this thing knocks me right on my ass. Real strong and works pretty well in small doses, but if you're not careful, this thing will just pin you to the couch or bed and your mind will just feel super loose. Not a negative if you're looking for that. Gives me mild paranoia if I use too much, so if you're susceptible to that and your tolerance isn't that high, this might not be for you. It tastes good and gives a nice starting head and body buzz at least. It's good but not something I'll be prioritizing to get.

Blue Dream

Lasts for quite a while and is effective even in the night. Really good at eliminating pain and just giving a sense of energy and accomplishment. It heightens my positive emotions and helps me cope with the negative emotions better. However, sometimes if you're full of anxiety it'll give you minor paranoia and strengthen your anxiety by a little bit, so be wary. Taste lingers on long after smoking. Definitely recommend.

Buddha's Sister

One of my favorite indicas due to how versatile it is. It works absolutely well for both trouble falling/staying asleep as well as PTSD nightmares, not to mention it makes me more giggly. It even works well in small doses in the morning/afternoon to take stress off (even if it won't help focus you or energize you). It tastes great and has a nice aftertaste to it too, plus the smell (in my experience) isn't overwhelming or strong that, with proper precautions, no one else aside from you should be able to smell it that easily. The only downside (which I don't consider it to be much of one at all) is that the more high off this you get, the harder it is to talk to people or keep up with something someone is saying. Found that out the hard way saying good night to my girlfriend for a couple of nights.

Sweet Tooth

Super helps me out with a myriad of issues, also making me a lot more able to talk to people and handle conversations (and bright visuals) a lot better. That said, too much at once brings on some small paranoia, even though my tolerance is high, so ease into it and know your limits.