
member since 2020

Recent Reviews10 total

RudeBoi OG

Very good Strain for the evening de-stress smoke. Calms you down, laid back, easy, mellow. Does not really make you cough too much.

Blue Apricot Sherbert

It is hard to taste the apricot, however what you do get is a harsh pine like onset with apricot aftertaste. I smoke flower in a wooden bowl and could taste the apricot after the bowl started puffing just right. Stage 4 of the big C. It didn’t go away but I didn’t care.


I am a stage 4 cancer patient reviewing strains as I come across them to help other C patients or anyone else. I used this in pre-roll form and was sitting on the back porch.... blazed up and noted a strange taste..... not pineapple at all something else.... doesn’t smell like pineapples either..... disappointment.... 1/4 way through my pre-roll, I forgot I was sick.... no pain, no stress, no nausea.... was I ever depressed? Doesn’t feel like it right now...... Colors are brighter.... I feel happy.... not giggly, but happy..... no paranoia... I am completely serious right now. I think I just saw a Carrier Pigeon headed North, over the trees....,,

Super Lemon Haze

I am a stage 4 renal cancer patient reviewing strains as I come across them. I throughly enjoyed this strain... very lemony smelling but tastes different than you would expect. Very mellow and relaxing but also energetic.... a very effective daytime strain good for wake and bake if you got stuff to do; however, be warned that it is a strong head high as well... you may start out doing laundry but will end up weeding the garden outside, and painting the cellar, or maybe just wondering what the hell everyone has against Sally..... because everyone knows Sally is a great girl and she is just looking for a surrogate family to belong too.... You have been warned.....


I am a stage 4 cancer patient using marijuana medically and reviewing strains as I come across them to help other Big C patients or anyone else. Back in 2005-2006 (in my mid-20s) or so there was a weed on the street that was sativa, fruity smelling, and peppery tasting... and we were always happen when we were able to get out hands I. It. Why is this important? Because when I lit up my pre-roll I literally said out loud, “I remember you”. And blew out a large cloud of happy. It hits fast and sticks around... no pain, nausea, stress, or worries.... I feel like this is a strain I could comfortably smoke on all day on a lazy afternoon or just working on the house or garden... doesn’t smell like grapefruit to me.... smells like guavas or kiwis or something. Burning it has a very peppery smell.... Overall, an enjoyable experience and stars are based on pleasurable session and nostalgia.

Mango Haze

I am a stage 4 cancer patient reviewing strains as I come across them. Hopefully to help other medical users or anyone else. Mango Haze is very interesting to me. I am not stranger to marijuana but haven’t used actively in a long time due to work, family, etc.... I use now medicinally for overall crappy feelings from chemo and the illness. The four stars I give it a purely for the enjoyment of use. I got this in pre-roll form and as soon as you open the tube you can smell the mango. It seriously does smell and taste like a mango smoothie and made the smoking session very enjoyable.... as far as feelings and highness..... low stress, good feels, no pain or nausea, but it is just average in potency..... like I said, the stars are based on my pleasurable experience sitting in the back porch, toking, drinking iced tea, and watching the hummingbirds.


I am a medical user with stage 4 renal cancer. I partake to control overall crap feelings from chemo and illness. Reviewing strains, as I use them, to help other medical users and everyone else. When me and my brother were kids (14,15,16,17) we used to call especially skunky weed “sausage weed” because it smelled like Jimmy Dean sausage cooking and tasted all “sausagy”.... I would put this skunk in that category. It’s a creeper for sure.... used in pre-roll form.... took about three tokes and felt happy, stress free, no depression, nausea..... but I was hoping that it would get me hungry so I could eat something, but it did not. Mouth pretty dry..... but no paranoia. Lite up the rest and felt very relaxed.... make sure you have nothing important to do because you will “space out” and lose track of time.

Bruce Banner

I am a stage 4 renal cancer patient and am using medicinal marijuana to cope with chemo and the disease itself... I am reviewing strains as I come across to help other C patients and those with chronic illness. BB bought in flower form from local dispensary. Consumed using famous reggae artist company’s bubbler. I don’t endorse brands or anything but people seem to want to know how it was consumed. The aforementioned company has kickass Bluetooth speakers and I figured they would have same quality in smoking instruments.... Anyway... BB smells like old hydro from the 90’s but doesn’t taste like that.... it tastes all ashy.... it does a good one-two on you so be careful... #1) Three to four pulls of Bruce Banner... “this is strong stuff.... tastes funny...”instantly feel better and elevated to a nice, relaxed place before dinner... #2) 5 to 6 pulls and BB has suddenly become the Incredible Hulk... Lifted, chatty, happy... all pain, stress, nausea, worries just a fuzzy memory..... but still walking around cooking dinner and starting dishwasher.... Thank you Dr. Banner.

Jack Herer

I am a medical user with stage 4 renal cancer. I mainly use to treat pain, nausea, depression, weakness, and overall shitty feeling associated with chemotherapy and the illness. I will review strains as I come across them.... and hopefully this will help people in similar situations.... FYI- this was in pre-roll form. About 1/4 way through you start feeling immediately better... 1/2 the pre-roll I put it out and got some stuff done... dishes, some paperwork for my work, swept of the back porch, and even picked tomatoes out of the garden with my daughter..... lite back up around 2pm-ish and cooked dinner, washed clothes, picked up the bedroom....for me with my illness.... that’s a lot to get done.... and that’s awesome.

Blue Dream

Let me explain a few things as this is my first review. I am a medical user, with stage 4 kidney cancer. I used the herb for natural pain relief to reduce opioid dependence, control nausea, and depression from a terminal illness... I usually vape since I have children and have to be discreet. I probably wouldn’t be using, due to my state only being medical, normally but I am from the old school and grew up smoking till my late 20s... anyway blue dream is OK.... vape form. Blueberry taste, comes on soft, mellow but not overwhelming.... can still function but is middle of the road for treating depression, pain, and feeling good.