Cool strain. No complaints, but there is also nothing to brag about. All depends on you. This strain I'd recommend to those who just want bragging rights to say they've smoked before!
Since tha Dispensaries opened, I've been looking for tHat 80'z Babie StraiN oF PuRpLe HaZe... No LuCk at aLL, UnTiL noWwW! Ima KeeP it 💯 wiT YaLL, ThiS ShY... RiGht heRe mY NiNjA, is iT!!! Kop YoU a 8tH AnD YoU CaN tHaNk Me LaTeR....StRaiGht FiYa, tHat WoNt HaVe YoU WaLkiN aRoUnD LoOkiN AnD SoUnDiN StUcK!!!!
tHa aTmoSpeRe iS DoPe!
Only takeaway... The saleswoman on the floor was waaay too talkative while I was being helped already by another salesperson. It started to become annoying after she followed us over for checkout, but again, I say the store employees are very nice people. What I didn't like about the quality was that the strain didn't look or taste anything like what was ordered. That sucks because i I spent a little extra hoping that everything was what it should have, and I feel like it wasn't...
Kool Vibe! Small and not too big and so it wasn't a overwhelming Vibe. Only thing that I would change is that, it's Hella bright inside the store, which I guess is cool for those who use bifocals...🌬🌬🌬🌬🌬🌬🌬