
member since 2015

Recent Reviews12 total

Pot Cargo

Pot Cargo is a quality store to purchase your medicinals. Two shipments for me so far and the system is easy to navigate and the information very complete. Everyone is extremely helpful, shipping is fast and free over 200. It just doesn't get any better than PC.

Tilray Canada

Not very happy with Tilray and haven't been for more months than I care to think about, and spent a lot of big bucks there for the medicine I need when I can get it. The product quality is great, most times, IF and that's a big IF, you can get something decent that addresses your health concerns. Today on the phone from a very nice Mike, I got ......sorry we sold out of that in the first 24 hours. What's wrong with this picture, for months I have been telling Tilray I can't get the medicines I need from them, and they tell me to watch for emails of upcoming strains, which does me a fat lot of good when it's sold out within 24 hours on the West Coast and I don't even know about it till 4 hours after. I do all of my dealings with them on line because I have not found the customer service team to be helpful, friendly yes, but helpful not. It's not their fault, they are hamstrung to help you. It seems to me that Tilray is not looking at us as patients who have medical issues, but as consumers and there is a distinct difference. I am not with Tilray and their products to get "high" and I there to have relief from symptoms. As a matter of interest, Jane's Blog for Canadian Med Mar companies, Tilray shows today they have 37 strains available, try 6 Tilray, Hardly an innocent mistake. Oh and one more last hit, because strain supply is so hit and miss, who has to pay for the extra shipping each month because rarely can I get what I need in one order, another 5'er for a shipment date of 5 days or more each time.

Skywalker OG

Just when I thought I was over the moon with Jack H and Rockstar, along comes Sko, Skywalker OG is great for daytime and into evening. This batch came in at 24.7 THC, does up great for vaping, a nice bit of resin makes for a long lasting bowl in the vaporizer, can go to 25 minutes at 380f, quite commendable. Has had very positive effects for nausea, anxiety...yes even at 24%, mood lifting and at the same time lots of energy, creativity and general well being feeling. Easy on the throat, I find the taste lightly earthy and very smooth, no coughing with this strain. At this point it is my favourite, followed by Rockstar and Jack H in second. It's also an excellent strain for being social. If you have social anxiety I would at least consider this form of OG.

Jack Herer

I am known by any one who will listen to be a great lover of kushes to deal with a chronic nausea issue and social anxiety. Since changing LP's have had lots of different choices to explore to control health issues. I thought I had already had the best of everything until I tried Jack Herer. It is my all time day time fave. It is energizing, but at the same time calming. Since I usually have high anxiety it's important to have a good balance in your choices, and normally this means mixing for me. But with this strain for some reason, it is great on it's own or as a helper depending on what your day brings and your level of discomfort. On a bad day it's one of my recipes, Jack and a really great Kush and perhaps a dash of some CBD. A game changer!!! Thanks to Tilray for having great selections and quality.


This strain was very easy to vape, not harsh in any way. I loved the effects, felt very happy and never did lose my energy or get couch locked or lazy. I reviewed this strain primarily to let folks know that it is available in this area by Delta 9 Biotech. I very much enjoyed the strain.

Black Domina

One of the first reviews I read on this site was from someone who described this as the narcotic I was looking for to have a good sleep. When I saw that Delta 9 was offering it I had to have it, and I have not been in the least disappointed. I do have problems with sleep due to nausea which tends to wake me from a dead sleep. With BD this has been improved to the point where I can normally sleep a minimum of 7 hours. When I vape it before bed, about 30 minutes prior, the vapours are dense and very pleasant, earthy but smooth. I have seen a small bowl last for 20 or more minutes. Resiny with plenty of trichomes. I have ordered more just today

Master Kush

I love a good Kush, and I very much enjoyed this Kush from Delta 9. A nice earthy vape and very long burn with thick concentrated vapours easy on the throat, smooth as silk. For me, good for everything from nausea, headache, pain and mood. I have found with a mix of a little higher THC it is a great daytime mix for energy and concentration and quite sensory as well. I could perform any type of activity, working out, reading, games cooking, whatever I felt like doing. The world just seems like a better place with Kush.

White Russian

Overall I think this is a great strain, though it can be a bit trippy at times. I might steer away from it if I was feeling anxious, or at least have it mixed with a higher CBD profile to relax me. As far as getting things done it's quite amazing, lots of energy and once the initial palpitations stop you realize that you are feeling quite good and ready to get things done. Felt alert and able to concentrate on anything I put my mind to. The burn rate was average in vaping at 400 but a small bowl was more than enough for one. A beginner may wish to consider a small amount to start or mix with a lower profile THC mix.


AK47 is definitely a memorable strain. I recall the first time I received my package from Delta after having read many reviews here. It did not disappoint, very good at reducing nausea while at the same time very energetic with an uplifted mood, not euphoric by any means but felt good. At times I felt I was prone to chatter quickly but could have been in my mind. As long as it's available I would have it around as part of my daytime mix. A very small downside for me is the after taste of a diesel, chemical or sour bitter taste, when vaping. It does smooth out after a tug or two.

Serious 6

I wish I could say 4.5 I really liked this strain personally. It addresses a multitude of issues, like pain, nausea energy and even tingly pleasant body sensations, I'll take it :) Yes it has a bit of a lemon pledge flavour profile to start but it does narrow down to a mild and pleasant citrus feel after vaping for over 8 minutes. I have to give this medicated state an A+++ as I've been searching now for just over a month. That you to Delta 9 Biotech for providing this wonderful option. In future perhaps this might be my unicorn of 5/5 :)