
member since 2021

Recent Reviews1 total

Dutch Treat

I get this for my 4yr old lab/pit mix who suffors from pretty severe seizure clusters,i give him 2 tiny little dots i put on my finger (well more like tiny dot smears once in the morning and again in evening)It has changed his life,no more xannex/valium with phenobarbitol, this replaced it. hes a different dog. I cant stress enough how this improved his life, its nothing short of a miracle. if you have an epileptic furr child this is something you should consider,just becareful not to dose too high or your baby will bumper bowl the walls and hallways.but in my experience thc with higher cbd works for this condition. ive tried other concentrates /flower edibles ect...NOTHING is better or even comes close. thank you medusa for suggesting this.